Vision and hearing
Intellectual disability
There is data to support that the delays are related to severe emotional/behavioral factors that could contribute to the student’s achievement
Cultural factors
Lack of instruction in reading or math
Attendance or high mobility
Limited English proficiency
What are the rule outs for specific learning disability?
Every Child Accountability & Tracking System
What does ECATS stand for?
How many tiers are there before a referral to the IEP team
Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, manifested by ALL THREE of the following:
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity. Deficits in nonverbal communication, and difficulty developing, maintaining and understanding relationships.
Case manager
Who is responsible for completing the Prior Written Notice?
1. Basic reading skills; 2. Reading fluency skills; 3. Reading comprehension; 4. Written expression; 5. Mathematics calculation; 6. Mathematics problem solving; 7. Listening comprehension; or 8. Oral expression.
What are the 8 areas of learning disability?
Instruction, Curriculum, Environment, Learner by Review, Interview, Observe, Test
What is ICEL by RIOT
What are the specific titles of each Tier?
Zoo Academy, Zoo U, SS Grin, Hall of Heroes, and Stories in Motion
What are the social-emotional games on the Centervention website that help student understand and manage emotions and support interacting with peers.
Gen Ed teacher, EC teacher, LEA, parent, and an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results
Who are the required members of an IEP team
A student is not achieving adequately for the his/her age or not achieving adequately to meet State-approved grade-level standards when provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for his/her age or relevant State standards in areas related to reading, mathematics, and written expression.
What is response to intervention supported through progress monitoring?
In 2005 this law established important protections for children regarding the use of seclusion and restraint in public schools.
What is the Deborah Greenblatt Act
1. A system of high-quality evidence-based core instruction and scientific research-based instruction
2. Multiple tiers of instruction, that vary in intensity, matched to student need
3. A systematic process of problem-solving/data-based decision making to inform decisions regarding student academic, behavioral, and functional needs, and
4. A comprehensive, balanced assessment system that includes common formative assessments, interim/benchmark assessments, outcome assessments, universal screening, progress monitoring, and diagnostic assessments.
What are the required core components of MTSS?
Pathological Demand Avoidance
What is a sub-type of Autism?
These are two components required for eligibility
What is adverse effect and is there a need for specially designed instruction
During intervention, during core instruction, and another
What are the environments observations should take place?
2 standard deviations below the mean in one domain or 1.5 standard deviations in two domains
What are the scores required for Adaptive skills regarding Intellectual Disability
What are the required scores for DD? (Bonus 100: name the 5 domains of DD)
80-90%, 5-15%, 1-5%
What is the percentage of students predicted at each Tier?
A medical diagnosis of Autism
What is required for a child to receive ABA therapy
Requires 15 data points before review
What is an FBA?
the student has been provided appropriate instruction in general education settings and that instruction has been delivered by qualified personnel;
there is data-based documentation of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals, reflecting formal assessment of the student’s progress and this documentation was provided to the student’s parents.
What are ways to ensure that underachievment is not due to lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math?
Psych eval, adaptive evaluation, behavior/emotional evaluation, and perceptual/motor
What evaluation components are re-imburseable by Medicaid?
A comparison of the child’s rate of progress to expected rates of progress, including evidence that the intervention yielded successful responses and outcomes for the majority of other children receiving the intervention
What is progress monitoring?
An uncommon genetic disorder that is often comorbid with Autism and causes non-cancerous tumors that develop throughout the body.
What is tuberous sclerosis?
A student is unable to attend school, and is receiving instruction from his/her home school/LEA, he/she is to be considered this.
What is Hospital/Homebound