School Readiness
Parent Support
NASP Domains

In 2017-2018, a certain number of states offered some type of early childhood education for 4-year-olds.



Change made to instruction and/or assessment that does not change the expectations for performance or change the construct that is being measured. Accommodations provide access to buildings, curriculum, and assessments.



Development in the first ___ years is foundational for children's success in later-life experiences involving academic achievement and social competence. 



School psychologists understand systems structures, organization, and theory; general and special education programming; implementation science; and evidence-based, school-wide practices that promote learning, positive behavior, and mental health. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, develop and implement practices and strategies to create and maintain safe, effective, and supportive learning environments for students and school staff.

Domain 5

At the basic level, school readiness refers to the state of c--- c----- at the time of school entry that are important for later success.

Child competencies


Measurement of student growth; assessment tool choice is dependent on the purpose and use of measurement results.



Narrowly refers to parenting behaviors that promote children's learning and development, including affection, responsiveness, encouragement, and teaching. 

Developmental Parenting


School psychologists understand the biological, cultural, and social influences on academic skills; human learning, cognitive, and developmental processes; and evidence-based curricula and instructional strategies. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, use assessment and data collection methods to implement and evaluate services that support academic skill development in children.

Domain 3


Roughly, --- percentage of teachers from a large national sample reported that a substantial number of students struggle with social skills upon entering kindergarten. 



A statewide accountability system mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 which requires each state to ensure that all schools and districts make progress as defined by states and approved by the U.S. Department of Education.

Adequate Yearly Progress


Refers to a child's education based on characteristics, circumstances, and perceptions of the school climate. 

Parental Involvement


School psychologists understand and utilize assessment methods for identifying strengths and needs; developing effective interventions, services, and programs; and measuring progress and outcomes within a multitiered system of supports. School psychologists use a problem-solving framework as the basis for all professional activities. School psychologists systematically collect data from multiple sources as a foundation for decision-making at the individual, group, and systems levels, and they consider ecological factors (e.g., classroom, family, and community characteristics) as a context for assessment and intervention.

Domain 1


School readiness at the beginning of grade ___ has also been shown to be associated with more positive longer-term outcomes.



A measure of performance prior to intervention. These initial data are used to monitor changes or the improvement in an individual performance.



Positive association between parent involvement and ____ has been consistently reported in research.



School psychologists have knowledge of research design, statistics, measurement, and varied data collection and analysis techniques sufficient for understanding research, interpreting data, and evaluating programs in applied settings. As scientist practitioners, school psychologists evaluate and apply research as a foundation for service delivery and, in collaboration with others, use various techniques and technology resources for data collection, measurement, and analysis to support effective practices at the individual, group, and/or systems levels.

Domain 9


Increased ____ is likely to lead to greater skill development and thus can serve as a mediating variable. 



An assessment that measures what a student understands, knows, or can accomplish in relation to specific performance objectives. It is used to identify a student's specific strengths and weaknesses in relation to skills defined as the goals of the instruction, but it does not compare students to other students.

Criterion-Referenced Assessment


Research has shown that this increases teachers use of progress monitoring and RTI practices in preschools. 



School psychologists understand principles and research related to family systems, strengths, needs, and cultures; evidence-based strategies to support positive family influences on children’s learning and mental health; and strategies to develop collaboration between families and schools. School psychologists, in collaboration with others, design, implement, and evaluate services that respond to culture and context. They facilitate family and school partnerships and interactions with community agencies to enhance academic and social–behavioral outcomes for children.

Domain 7