Construction of the new Senior High and International Baccalaureate building
What is Circular #12?
8B Picture taking
What happens today?
Hair reaching below the eyebrows (Male), elaborate/bold hair accessories (Female)
What types of haircuts/hairstyles are prohibited?
Pebrero 27, 2025
Kailan ang due date ng Gawaing-Upuan 3.1?
Feb. 24 Asynchronous and Feb. 25 Suspension of classes
What is Circular #11?
The unofficial field trip date
What is March 7?
Attire with offensive signs, ripped/tattered pants, closed hoodies/sweatshirts, open-toed shoes
What types of attires are not allowed?
Quiz on February 28, 2025
What is our activity for Soc Sci?
Updated guidelines during weather disturbances
What is Circular #13?
When is there no class?
Students are only allowed to visit the LRC before homeroom period, recess, lunch and after dismissal
What time are the library hours?
Brush, small paper plate, canvas board, rags, apron, glue, old magazines
What are the materials needed for Visual Arts in the 3rd Trimester?
Discusses the KABIHASNAN 2025 Fair
What is Circular #10?
April 30, 1651
When was St. John Baptist De La Salle Born?
The purpose of this policy is to ensure a consistent and effective approach to the management of information security incidents and establishing a structure for the reporting and management of such incidents
What is the purpose of the Data Privacy Policy?
Asynchronous Task - SW 3.1
What was the asynchronous task given for Computer?
Early admission and enrollment for S.Y. 2025-2026
What Circular does not exist yet?
May 24, 1900
When was St. John Baptist De La Salle proclaimed the Patron Saint of teachers?
Stand still on both feet and don't lean, face the flag with reverence, and sing properly in unison
Isometric drawing
What is the asynchronous activity for Technical Drawing?