Hallway or Leaving
School rules
Assembly with Principals

What do you do when you want the teacher?

Raise your hand and stay in your seat until you are called on.


What do you do when you get in class in the morning?

Eat breakfast and then do your morning assignment.


What do you when you go on an errand?

Take a pass, walk with your partner to the destination, speak politely, and return with an answer.


What time should you arrive at school?



How much reading should I do for homework??

 15 minutes or more every night.


What is a level 0?

No talking


Who do you listen to?

The speaker/teacher in the classroom at the time.


What do you do when you are lost?

You think back first to the directions that were given.  Next you ask someone in your table group.  Ask a second person in your table group.  Last raise your hand to ask the teacher.


How should you act when you go to recess?

Quietly get in line, be ready to walk out of the room, go down the stairs, and walk onto the playground.  Put your lunch by the lunchroom door.


Where should you line up at arrival time?

On the playground with my class.


How much homework do we have each week?

You will read 15+ minutes every day, practice spelling words, and complete a math practice sheet.


What should our body look like when we go to the monthly assembly with Ms. Welsh and Mr. Lamb?

Sit up straight and on our bottoms with our legs folded and our hands in our lap.  Look at the speaker, mouth is quiet, and our mind is thinking about what is being said.  No exceptions!

Be a good model for your Kindergarten buddy!


How do students show they're a bobcat?

They R.O.A.R.


When should I use the bathroom?

During recess or lunch.


How long should it take to get into line?

2 minutes:  

>You need to clean off your table, 

>wipe it down 

>push in your chair

>walk into the even or odd line silently.


At arrival time, where do you enter the classroom?

Through the closet.


How do I choose a book?

Use the 5 finger rule until you get your reading level (after testing begins).  Try to get a "just right" book for yourself.


A bully

What is someone who picks on another person over and over again, making them feel uncomfortable by name calling or hitting, or pushing.


Do third graders eat a snack?

Food is eaten in the cafeteria. Only plain water is allowed in class.


When can I sharpen my pencil?

You don't.  I sharpen pencils during your breaks or after school is finished.


What do you do when a lunchroom attendant or recess coach gives you directions during lunch/recess?

Stop talking immediately and you listen.


How do students get table points?

By following the rules, staying in their seats, and concentrating on their work.


What do I read at home?

You can check a book out of the Chicago Public library. Ask your parents to buy you books. Take the book home you are reading at school by taking very good care of it and bringing it back and forth to and from school until you have finished it.


What do I do when I see someone misbehaving in the bathroom?

You can tell them to stop doing that if you are brave enough.  Otherwise go up to the main office and notify Ms. Helen or Ms. Niki that someone is being unsafe in the washroom.  Be specific and tell them what the kids are doing and how old they are.


How does a student show they are listening?

If you are on the carpet:  sit on your bottom with your legs folded and you hands in your lap, look at the speaker and think about what the speak is saying. Raise your hand to speak.

If you are at your seat:  Sit in your chair with your feet flat on the floor, and your hands on the desk. Your eyes are on the speaker and you are thinking about what the speaker is saying.  Raise your hand to speak.


When can I talk to friends?

During your break time and when you are discussing learning. 


When should I go to the bathroom?

I should ask immediately when I arrive at the lunchroom (when everyone is in line to get their lunch). Then, walk quietly through the lower level to the restroom, use the bathroom, wash your hands, dry them, and return to lunchroom.


When can you leave of the classroom?

Never without your teacher's permission.


What does R.O.A.R. stand for?

R:  Remain safe at all times.

O:  Own your actions.

A:  Always try your best!

R:  Respect our community.


How should I behave in the lunchroom?

Get everything you need when you go through the lunch line.  Stay in your seat once you have your lunch, keep your voice down, and raise your hand if you need help.  Use your manners, don't talk with food in your mouth, and CLEAN UP after yourself.