Covid Rules
Morning Routine
Hallway Rules
Where to go in the building
Daily Schedule

True or False: You are required to wear a mask when you are in the classroom. 



What time can you come into school to eat breakfast? 

7:45. If you choose to come in and eat breakfast, you need to stay in the cafeteria until 7:55. (If the cafeteria gets too full, we may have some students eat breakfast in the library) 

If you need to go to the restroom, What do you need to fill out, and where does your teacher need to sign?  

You will fill out the pass at the back of your planner and your teacher will initial the pass.  


If you are late to school, where should you report to first?  

You should report to the attendance office (When you enter the school this is the small office to your right).  


What day of the week do we get out at 2:10 instead of 3:10?



Name 2 things we can do to help limit the spread of covid 19

Options: wash hands frequently, do not share water bottles, use hand sanitizer, wear a mask, social distance when possible


How much does breakfast cost? 

Breakfast is free to all students. 


Can you wear hats in the hallway?  

No you cannot. 


If you need to talk to a counselor, what are some options you have for getting a hold of them?  

Best option: Tell your classroom teacher that you need to talk to a counselor and we will email them so that they can set up a time for you to come in.  

How many class periods will we have each day this year? 

We will have 3 class periods each day. 

8:10 - 10:10 1st period                       4th period

10:15 - 1:00 2nd period (and lunch)     5th period 

1:05 - 3:05  3rd period (staggered)       6th period


What will happen if you choose not to wear a mask at school? 

You will have to go home. You can then choose if you want to learn in the classroom with a mask or if you want to do online learning at home without a mask. 


What time can you come into school if you are not going to eat breakfast?



Can you be on your cell phone in the hallway during the school day? 

No you cannot.  Cell phones should be in your backpack and turned off.  


If something happens to your lanyard and you need a new one, where should you go?  

You should go to the main office right when you get to school in the morning. You could also stop in the main office after school dismisses.  


At the start of the school year, how many times per day should you go to your locker?  

Zero.  You will keep all of your supplies in your backpack and carry it with you from class to class. 

This winter we will likely assign lockers for you to have a place for your coat.  


Name something you should not do in the hallway to help limit the spread of Covid. 

Do not huddle in a group. 

Do not give high fives or hugs or hold hands.


What will happen from 7:55 to 8:00 every morning? 

Students will all walk clockwise in the hallway. Our school is a giant square so we will continue making laps until 8:00. 


Give two descriptions for how your behavior should be when you are walking in the hallway. 

Options include:  

Walk on the right side of the line (no running)  

Talk quietly, no shouting

No pushing, shoving, or tripping our friends. 


What should you do if you need to talk to the principal?

Option 1: You can let your classroom teacher know, and we can email him to set up a time for you to go in. Option 2: You can ask the secretaries in the main office if he is available for you to talk to him. 


If you need to change your schedule for some reason who should you talk to? 

You will need to talk to a counselor. 

First, ask your classroom teacher to email the counselor and see if they are available for you to stop in. 

What are 2 possible symptoms of Covid 19?  

Any of the following can be symptoms. Some people will only experience mild symptoms, while others can get very sick. 

Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea


Where do you need to go at 8:00? 

at 8:00 report to your first period class 


How can you get a drink of water in the school this year? Can you drink straight out of the drinking fountain?  

The normal drinking fountains are turned off due to Covid, but above each drinking fountain is a bottle filler. You can bring a clear water bottle to fill up at school. 


Where can you go if you forget to bring a mask? 

You can go into the main office (to the left when you enter the school). You can ask them for a mask there.  


Name 2 things you can do to help yourself stay organized this school year.


1. write your schedule in your planner or tape it in

2. use your planner to write down assignments 

3. check power school each day to see if you are missing any assignments.  also check google classroom