A classmate or the teacher is speaking, I ...
listen / pay attention / am quiet.
You are late to class, I ...
I say "Sorry, I'm late !" and I get prepared for the consequence !
Your teacher will have a bad opinion of you if you make mistakes. True or false ?
False, of course !
What can I do if I lose my copybook ?
Find it or buy another one.
When can I go to the toilet ?
During the break.
You have to work with someone you don't like, I ...
I respect him or her / I do my best to work with him or her.
You will write 3 things in your copybook every English class, The 3 things are ...
Chapter, date, title of the lesson
How can you do well before the test ?
Study, work a lot !
How can I be efficient in the class ? Give two examples.
Ask questions, participate, be attentive, listen ...
Name 4 things you should bring to every English class.
Copybook, diary, pencil case, roughbook
Friends or classmates are mocking, bullying a student, I...
I tell an adult or the teacher immediately.
When can you use your phone ?
Never !
How should you feel about making grammar, vocabulary, reading mistakes ?
Calm, relaxed, okay, not ashamed
At the end of the class, I must not forget ...
Write the homework in my diary.
In the corridors, before entering the classroom, we must ..
line up in calm.
A student is in danger or is fighting, I ..
I don't intervene, I tell an adult immediately.
You are cheating during the test, you ...
You will get a 0 and your parents will be informed.
Think of two ways that you can improve your English, you can ...
You can regularly work, you can ask questions...
How often should I revise my lessons ?
Every day (for 5 minutes)
Before entering the classroom, let's ...
smile and cheer up !