Lunch Room
What does the H in REACH stand for?
What is Have a Positive Attitude
If a friend doesn't want to play with me, how can I solve the problem? (Big or Small problem?)
What is find someone else to play with. Not get upset. Small problem.
Ms. Hall calls the class to the carpet. You are reading a really good book and don't want to put it away. What should you do?
What is follow directions so you don't make your classmates wait on you. You can go back to the book later.
The bell rings from recess for lunch. What do you do?
What is put away any balls or toys you have from recess and walk to the line.
It is time to go to library. Your library book is still in your backpack, what do you do?
What is silently go get it and put it in the bucket and sit back down.
How can you RESPECT yourself?
What is 1. Positive Attitude 2. Respect for yourself 3. Use kind words 4. etc...
Joey tells me that John has been telling him he is going to beat him up after school. Joey tells John not to tell anyone because he doesn't want John to get even angrier. What should John do?
What is tell an adult. This is bullying.
Ashley is taking a test. She finishes before every one else. She jkumps out of her seat and says "I'm done!" What should have Ashley done instead?
What is checked her work, made sure she answered every question, quietly stood up and turned the test in where she was asked to, etc.
How do you enter the cafeteria?
What is walking with a level 0 or 1 voice. Go straight to the hot lunch line, or table.
Ms. Hall excusses you to recess. You see a friend go out the door and start running to the playground. What do you do?
What is (varies)
How can you RESPECT others?
What is 1. Keep hands and feet to yourself 2. Follow directions 3. Not be a distraction 4. Appropriate Voice levels 5. etc...
I see Sue throw her candwrapper on the ground and run off. What do I do?
What is pick it up. Tell Sue nicely that she should try to clean up after herself to keep the school nice, etc.
How should you come into the classroom in the morning? What is your job?
What is come in quietly. Put away backpack/turn in homework. Get breakfast. Go straight to desk. Start morning work. If you finish morning work, read silently. Do not distract your friends.
You drop your apple on the floor. What do you do?
What is pick it up and set it aside. You can throw it away when it is time to go.
At carpet time, you have a really good answer to a question Ms. Hall askes. You raise your hand but she doesn't call on you. What do you do?
What is not get upset, you can share it with her later when she is not busy. You realize you have other classmates that need/want to share too.
What is Acting Responsibly when you go to the bus or parent pick up?
What is Wakling, following directions, listening to the adults, etc...
Nick is playing soccer with his friends. They wont pass him the ball, so Nick runs to the ball and slide tackles his friend for the ball. Is Nick following school rules? Why or Why Not?
What is No. No slide tackling, use words not body, etc.
During Daily 5, you finish your writing early. What should you do?
What is go over it again. Check spelling, punctuation, read to self to make sure it makes sense. Start a new piece of writing.
Ms. Hall says it is time to go. How to you react?
What is stand up silently, gather all your garbage or the extra garbage on the table. Walk to line up to throw away garbage. You don't need to talk in line, you are paying attention so you don't make the line last longer. After throwing away garbage you go straight to your line and line up silently, waiting for your teacher.
The fire alarm goes off. What do you do?
What is silently push in your chair and line up right away. Listen to directions. Walk out to the gate with the class.
How can you show REACH in the hallways?
What is R- hand and feet to self. Level 0 voice E- Carry a hall pass, stay in line A- Walk straight to where you are going C- Make room for others H- Zero voices, smile
Sally is playing jump rope, Milly comes over and pushes her down on the ground. What do you do? Big or Small problem?
What is tell an adult, use your words, check on Sally, etc. Big problem
Ms. Hall warns you that it is almost time to switch stations for Daily 5. How do you react? a. Throw all your things on your desk and race to your next station? b. Start cleaning up your station and putting things back where they belong? c. Finish up what you are working on before switching stations, even if it takes a little longer that what Ms. Hall says. d. Ask Ms. Hall where you go next.
What is B and C
Ally finishes her lunch early, she gets up and leaves her garbage on the table and goes to line up. What might you say to her?
What is (varies)
It is announced that there is a lockdown. What do you do?
What is silently find a hiding place where you cannot see a window. Have your own space. Don't push others. Zero Voice, wait for instruction from teacher.