What do I do before I enter the classroom?
Stand in one quiet line against the wall by the classroom door
What is the correct way to act in the hallway?
Grab a hall pass & WALK quietly to your destination.
What happens BEFORE I get my lunch in the cafeteria?
I wait patiently at my table until one of the teachers calls my class.
Also, I stand in a straight quiet line :)
What do I need to do if I have to use the restroom in class?
Raise my hand, ask permission, and take the hallway pass.
The fire alarm is ringing. What do you do?
Quietly stand up, push your chair in, get in line and exit the classroom with your teacher, and walk quietly out to the blacktop
What do I do when I enter the classroom?
Go to my seat quietly and wait for instructions.
What do you do if you see writing on the wall or something that is inappropriate?
Talk to a teacher.
When I enter the cafeteria, what do I do?
I check in with my teacher and I sit at my assigned table.
What is expected if I ask permission to go to the restroom?
Use the restroom, wash and dry my hands and return to class.
We are on LOCKDOWN. What do you do?
Do not panic. QUIETLY go to a corner in the room where you are not visible & wait patiently for the teacher's instructions.
What do I do when I leave the classroom?
Push my chair in, and put my supplies away
What should I always have when I am walking through the hallway?
Hall Pass
What do you do when you get your lunch?
Say Thank you and walk back to my seat and sit down.
What should you do if you see something wrong in the restroom?
When you return to the class, tell the teacher.
What do I do during an earthquake drill?
DROP and go under a sturdy table onto your hands and knees also cover your head.
What do I do if I have to sharpen my pencil?
I wait until the teacher finishes talking, raise my hand to ask permission. or Hold my pointer finger up in the air.
How do I walk with equipment through the hallway?
I hold it safely in my hands until I get to my destination.
What do you do when you are finished eating?
Throw away my trash and go back to sit down to wait for the teacher's instructions.
How many students are allowed to go to the restroom at a time?
Only 2 students
Something happens to your teacher! What do you do?
Run to the nearest classroom and tell the teacher. Do not crowd around the situation.
What do I do if I want to use the restroom or get a drink of water?
Raise hand and wait for permission
In an emergency how should I act in the hallway?
Walk calmly and quietly, and make sure to listen to directions.
What do I need to do before going to other after-school programs (leadership, tutoring, sports, choir etc.)?
I need to check-in with my teacher and grab supper.
What happens if I need to use the restroom while playing outside?
Ask a teacher for permission before going to the restroom.
How should I act during a drill compared to an emergency?
I should act the same way they are both equally important.