School-wide Rules
Class Expectations
Get to know Ms. Howells

When can you use your phone?

a. never

b. always

c. during lunch/recess

d. during lunch/recess and elective classes

c. during lunch/recess


What will we do in literacy class?

a. read

b. write

c. think

d. all of the above

d. all of the above


Where should you sit?

a. anywhere you want!

b. at the correct table

c. at your assigned seat

d. on the floor

c. at your assigned seat


Where did Ms. Howells grow up?

a. Colorado

b. Michigan

c. Canada

d. Texas

d. Texas


Where can you eat food?

a. in any classroom

b. in the hallways 

c. in the cafeteria 

d. outside only

c. in the cafeteria


You: "But Ms. Howells, I hate reading and writing!" 

Me: ?

a. "Keep an open mind and try your best!"

b. "You are now my sworn enemy."

c. "Oh, ok - you don't have to do any work!"

d. a looong sigh and crying myself to sleep

a. "Keep an open mind and try your best!"


When can you ask to go to the bathroom?

a. anytime

b. while Ms. Howells is teaching

c. only during independent work time

d. never

c. only during independent work time


What pet does Ms. Howells have?

a. a dog

b. a cat

c. a parrot

d. a snake

b. a cat


When do I need a pass to leave class?

a. to go to the bathroom

b. to meet with the dean/counselor/another teacher

c. to go to the water fountain

d. always

d. always


What version of StudySync will we use in class?

a. workbook only

b. online only

c. workbook for first reads and online for assignments

d. always workbook EXCEPT for when Ms. Howells gets tired of paper

c. workbook for first reads and online for assignments


Where should you be right before the bell rings at the end of class?

a. lining up at the door

b. standing around talking to your friends

c. sitting at your desk

d. climbing the walls

c. sitting at your desk


What other country has Ms. Howells visited?

a. Mexico

b. Sierra Leone

c. England

d. Japan

c. England


Which of these is NOT a bathroom rule?

a. always go to a different hallway's bathroom

b. always take a pass

c. don't go in the first or last 10 minutes of class

d. you can go quick during passing period

a. always go to a different hallway's bathroom


What writing technique do we usually use in literacy?

a. CER


c. MA'AM

d. whatever you want

a. CER


What is the first thing you do when you arrive in class?

a. grab your folder

b. answer the warm-up

c. sit in your assigned seat

d. say hello to your friends

a. grab your folder


What sport/activity has Ms. Howells done since she was 8 years old?

a. skydiving

b. soccer

c. dancing

d. archery

c. dancing


When do we have advisory and/or announcements?

a. beginning of first period

b. during lunch

c. end of sixth period

d. never

c. end of sixth period


Which of these stories in Unit 1 will we read first?

a. "The Wise Old Woman"

b. Woodsong

c. Stargirl

d. "Seventh Grade"

d. "Seventh Grade"


Once you get permission to go to the bathroom, what should you do?

a. leave right away

b. fill out the sign out/sign in form 

c. take the lanyard pass

d. both b and c

d. both b and c (fill out the sign out/sign in form AND take the lanyard pass)


What am I drinking in that travel mug everyday?

a. coffee

b. tea

c. orange juice

d. Dr. Pepper

b. tea