What are TWO activities Ive done in this class?
Writer rewards, gemstone lessons/unit, gemstone project, party, kahoot
One of the projects we did this year...
Mission Project, Explorer project, Math name project, or Gemstone project
One Reward having to do with cromebooks...
Pefered activity time, or marble jar reward
What is one field thrip we went on this year
Mission, Beach, or Collage
A way of divivion that we didn't learn in 3rd grad
Standerd, or Long division
the number of how many gemstone units there were supposed to be.
there were supposed to be five but we ended up doing four
How many Explorers did we get to choose from.
During marble jar we ________
Get freetime on cromebooks and get to play with playdough, or freeplay outside
What was the first feild trip we went on?
To the Collage
What grade(s) did we learn in math?
4th AND a little bit of 5th
The FIRST activity I set up
Writer Awards
What was the THIRD project we did
Geometry Names
What reward earned something that had to do with lunch?
Student of the month
What was the highest minus we got on recess?
9! like you guys are crazy!
What are the TWO main sections of learning
ELA/MATH (At least to me)
Name at least one slide in the gemstone slidshow that had a spongebob GIF
Intro(1/2), or Fun facts (7)
What was one example of a gemstone project example/choice
Fiction Naritive, Nonfiction Facts, Geode Village
What reward is the rarest this year?
Freeplay Marble Jar, This Party
Fill in the missing letters for the thing people getpulled out for: S,_,_,_,c,_
Fill in the blanks:
What was everyone acussing me of having and what did I actully have?
Acused of: Gold
Actully: Pyrite
About when the mision projects were due from the last day of school?
2 weeks (Actully 1 week and 6 days)
What reward do you earn for winning 1st place in gemstone projects?
How many people get pulled out for football game reward?
2, I think
78 x 67 divided by 26 x 2 = _________