What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.
Where should students wait before students are allowed in the classroom?
Out on the path (not crowding the door)
How should you speak to Mrs Rae and others in and out of the classroom?
Use kind and appropriate words with appropriate tone.
How do we treat all teachers that are not our own?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when Mrs Rae is not there
When can you use your phone to contact parents or others during the school day?
When is the best time to get up and have a drink or put rubbish in the bin?
When Mrs Rae is not teaching.
How should students behave outside of the classroom during learning time?
Students walk quickly and quietly to their class.
What are our four school expectations in and out of the classroom?
Safe, respectful, learner, problem solver
When are you able to go to the bathroom?
Only with permission and when I'm am not teaching.
If i'm put on reflection, can i choose not to go?
What is Mrs Rae's signal to get the class to be quiet?
The ding from the timer.
What are you not allowed to wear in the classroom?
A hat or hood.
What is the appropriate way to move on the blue zone?
What should you bring with you to class?
Writing utensils.
Charged computer.
Do we chew gum at school?
No, this is a no gum school.
When do you throw away your trash?
At the end of class or end of a lesson, as long as it does not interrupt teaching.
Is there running allowed upstairs at any time?
When should you be putting your hands on someone else?
True or False
"Stupid, shut up, what the hell" are all appropriate responses
What are some of the reasons you would be unable to attend gala day/ taken off a team?
Being physical during break times and sport activities
Not listening to the teacher or ref during gala day games
Being consistently disrespectful to teachers and peers during school and gala days
What are the three things we need to do at the end of class before we can leave?
1. Put away books.
2. Tidy up desks.
3. Materials put in the correct place.
How loud should students be talking outside of classrooms?
Keep a reasonable volume. Inside voice.
How do we settle arguments on the oval?
Try to use our words in a positive manner or call for a teacher.
What are the four things you should do when you enter the classroom?
1. Read the board
2. Grab my book
3. Put it on my desk
4. Sit on the floor
Are you allowed to take anything off a teachers desk without asking? Is there any time when you should be near the desk? (worth 2 sets of points)
No. Do not approach the desk unless you are showing work or have been told to get something.