When do you use the bathroom and get water?
Before 9:00am.
When should put your computer on your desk?
Before 9:00am.
What should you be doing when Mrs. Glass is speaking?
Listening to her and looking at her.
How should we treat each other?
With respect.
Kind words and actions
Every transition is a good time to talk.
When do you sharpen pencils, and how many do you sharpen?
Before 9:00am, and you should sharpen at least 2.
True or False: You should always put headphones on your desk before 9:00am.
What should you do if you need to leave your seat?
Use the appropriate hand signal and wait for permission.
True or False - and explain
You only work on Math during Math, Literacy during Literacy, etc...
True, because if you are working on something else you will not know what you should be doing.
During a transition, what should you do?
Follow the instructions on the slide.
How do you know what to have on your desk before 9:00am?
Read the morning message.
How should you hold your computer when you walk with it in the hallway?
With both arms holding it like you are giving it a hug.
When should you go behind or grab things off of Mrs. Glass' desk?
Give 3 examples when it is never okay to talk.
Never okay to talk when:
test / quiz / exit ticket
independent reading time
when teacher / others are talking
Sit quietly and wait for instructions.
You should eat breakfast after you _____________, and before you _____________________________.
After you get your supplies for the day at the top of your desk, and before you visit / 9:00am.
Why should your computer number and login information remain on your computer?
So your computer can be identified if misplaced, and at times other adults may need to check or add things to computers.
What is a calm body.
What is a calm voice.
Why is it important? Give 2 good reasons.
You are not too silly, hands, feet, etc... kept to self. Walking
Voice level 1-2 with appropriate words.
It keeps us safe so no one gets hurt, and so there are not misunderstandings.
List 3 examples of when it is appropriate to talk during class
when sharing information
when working with a partner and on task
when it is choice time
quietly visit while during morning work at your seat
True or False
Transitions are a good time to sharpen pencils.
Give 2 reasons why following morning expectations important?
To be prepared for the day and show you are responsible and ready to learn.
To be respectful to others, creating a safe and productive learning space.
Explain what this statement means:
Computers are tools not toys.
Computers are used for learning - you need to follow instructs and only be on the appropriate sites. They may be used for choice time only when instructed.
List 3 items that should be in your desk, and 3 items you should never have in your desk.
In your desk: pencils/colored pencils, eraser, journal, yellow, red and blue folders, book to read
NOT IN YOUR DESK: food, toys, scissors, markers, crayons, loose papers
Explain why blurting and interrupting is unacceptable. Give 2 good reasons.
It is disrespectful and rude to the teacher.
It is distracting and disruptive to your classmates and steals their learning time.
It takes longer to get through lessons and you lose opportunities for more fun time.
How do students benefit from quick and quiet transitions? Give at least 2 good reasons.
Everyone is ready to learn.
If lessons start on time, there may be more time for a fun activity.
You show you are responsible and earn trust.
It is a good habit to get into that you will need at you go to 5th grade and middle school.