If you want to talk or ask a question in class, what do you do?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be called on.
Name one hallway expectation.
Answers will vary.
How should you speak to staff and others in the classroom?
Be respectful and kind to everyone.
How do we treat substitute teachers?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when we are not there.
When going to the bathroom, what do you need to do?
Ask for permission!
When is the best time to go to the bathroom?
During passing period/when teachers are not teaching.
How should students behave in the hallway?
Students walk quickly and quietly to their class.
When can you go in the kitchen?
To wash hands or if you are on SILVER or GOLD.
When should you be on your chromebook?
Only when instructed.
What should you do if your teacher is talking?
Listen (don't talk).
Where do you sit during worktime?
In your assigned desk.
When should you be in the hallway?
If the class is going somewhere or if you have asked for permission.
When should you go behind or grab things off of Mrs. Selin's desk?
When can you open the door?
When staff say it is ok.
When is work due?
What do you do when Mrs. Wolf and/or Ms. Harris enter the room?
Sit down quietly and be ready to work.
Is there running allowed in the hallway at any time?
What do you do if you need a pen or pencil?
Borrow one
If I can not handle my assigned seat, what will happen?
We will help you figure it out.
How should we treat other?
What happens if you cheat/copy from the internet?
You get a big fat zero.
How loud should students be talking in the hallway?
Keep a reasonable volume. Inside voice.
Can you eat in the classroom?
With permission, yes.
When should you be talking in class?
1. During class discussions, on topic
2. With a partner during think-pair-share
3. If the teacher asks you a question
4. Or if you have permission
What should you do if you need extra help or have a problem?
Ask for help from staff.