If you want to talk or ask a question in class, what do you do?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be called on.
Name one hallway expectation.
Answers will vary.
How should you speak to staff and others in the school?
Be respectful and kind to everyone.
When is eating allowed in the classroom?
It's not. There is no food allowed in this classroom at all.
I need to use the bathroom. What should I do?
Go at passing time or wait until the teacher isn't teaching. Ask for permission, sign out on the sign-out sheet, and take a pass.
When is the best time to go to the bathroom?
During passing period/when teachers are not teaching.
You may not use the bathroom the first and last 10 minutes of class.
Describe "body awareness" and explain why it's important while traveling in the hallway.
Body awareness is the ability to be aware of one's own physical presence, including the functions and location of body parts.
It's important because it prevents us blocking pathways and/or interfering in the space of others.
When can you stand in the hallway by the door?
When speaking to a staff member or after being given permission only
When should you be on your Chromebook, and where should you put it?
Only when instructed
On the table by the door
I just saw Burt/Berta wall past in the hall. What should I do? 💕
Continue dreaming about your future together, and think about what I'm going to say to them at lunch. 🍕
Where should I put my backpack?
In locker - by table by the door
When should you be in the hallway?
If the class is going somewhere or if you have asked for permission.
When should you go behind or grab things off of Ms. Drenckhahn's desk?
When can you open the door?
When staff says it is ok.
I want to sit next to Burt/Berta, but last time the teacher had to separate us. What should I do?
Forget about it, but continue dreaming about your future together.
What should you do when you enter the room?
Read the agenda on the Smartboard for directions (if any), sit quietly, and wait to begin learning
Name two things that can happen if you run in the hallway.
Anwswers vary
My classmate shared something with the class that I didn't care about. What should I do?
Smile warmly and keep my thoughts to myself.
Golden Rule
What will happen if I use profanity or other inappropriate language in class?
1 warning, then written referral
What do you do if you need a pen or pencil?
Borrow one, look on the floor, trade something (temporarily) with Ms. D, or look in your backpack!
Where should I put my work when it's finished?
In the basket by the door - not on Ms. D's desk!
How loud should students be talking in the hallway?
Keep a reasonable volume. Inside voice.
When should you be talking in class?
1. During class discussions, on topic
2. With a partner during think-pair-share
3. If the teacher asks you a question
4. Or if you have permission
5. During independent work time, quietly
Where should my phone and/or earbuds be?
At home or in your locker
What should you do if you need extra help or have a problem?
Ask for help from staff.