What must you do if you have a question?
Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.
Should you walk or run in the hallway?
How should you speak to Ms. P or any teacher that enters our classroom?
Use kind and appropriate words with appropriate tone.
How do we treat substitute teachers?
With respect and kindness.
Follow classroom expectations even when I'm not there.
When getting ready to start the day, who is in charge of getting supplies?
Designated supplies for the table grabs supplies only.
What do you do if you have to go to the bathroom, get water, or leave your seat?
Raise your hand for permission or use hand signals or signs
Where should your hands be when we are walking in the hall?
At your side
What should you do if Ms. P is in the middle of teaching a lesson?
Quietly remain seated and follow along with the lesson. Write down information in your math notebooks or math books. If you have a question raise your hand.
When should you chew gum or eat in class?
How can you treat your group members with kindness and respect ?
Using kind words, helping them do something, explain something in spanish. etc.
What can you always do for homework?
Read for 20 minutes or Reflex
What is the noise level for the hallway?
Level Zero- Lips are sealed
When should you go grab supplies or things off of Ms. P's desk with permission?
What should you bring with you to class?
Computer(Mondays and Wednesdays), positive attitude
If Ms. P gives you an independent assignment, what should you do?
complete the assignment independently without talking or distracting those around you.
How can we earn fun friday?
When we earn three points (by following the rules) during teacher vs. students
Describe the correct way to walk back to class.
Students should walk quickly and quietly, in a straight line.
What do you do if you need a pencil?
Put up the hand signal! (one finger)
What happens if you get into trouble?
A teacher will talk to you, parent phone call home, detention, or office referral
When working together we must be respectful to eachother and remain on task. We must follow directions given by Ms.P
What should you do when you enter the classroom in the morning?
1. Come in quietly have a seat and wait for instructions from Ms P
What should the hallway look like during dismissal?
Students quietly walking to the bus, car, or other areas.
What should you do if you don’t understand something?
Raise your hand and ask for help when we are working independently.
When should you follow directions?
Always! The first time you are asked!
When getting ready to pack up and leave for break, what do you do?
You must quietly put all supplies away in boxes and have designated supplies put the boxes back. Then you are quietly remaining seated to be dismissed to line up.