What school does Cap attend?
Claverage Middle School or C Average
a ruler; a person in charge
What is Cap and Sophie's favorite TV show?
Trigonometry and Tears
Who does Cap get bullied by every day?
Which Hippie falls off a tree?
Who tells Ms. Donnelly about Cap's struggles at school?
Mr. Kasigi
being cautious; unsure
Why does Cap end up driving the bus?
Mr. Rodrigo had a heart attack
Why did Naomi start bullying Cap in the first place?
To get Zach to like her
What does Cap look like?
Has long ungroomed hair and wears hemp clothes
What are some of the struggles Mrs. Donnelly learned that Cap is going through?
Bullfighting, 8th grade President
to bring an end to something
What does Cap do when he speaks to new students?
Write down their names
How are students starting to think differently about Cap?
He a good, smart kid
Who was Cap's teacher in Garland?
What does Cap do to help Sophie feel better?
Gives her a driving lesson or bracelet
to make fun of
Since what age has Cap been driving?
Age 8
Who does Cap get tackled by at the football game?
What kind of shirts does Cap wear?
Tie-Dye shirts
Who starts participating in Tai Chi on the school grounds?
to bring an end to something
What does Cap do with the money the principal gave him for the Halloween dance?
Donate to Charity and Hospitals
Why did people stop bullying Cap?
He became the best President that C Average has ever had
Who does Cap save from having a Heart Attack on the bus?
Mr Rodrigo