Name it
We have customers with this name in Minnesota and Nebraska, but there are 35 states with this city in the United States.
What is Springfield?
A city in Italy famous for its cuisine, an affluent city in Florida, this is also one of our BOCES customers in upstate New York.
What is Naples?
Founded in 1917, the first US national brand to offer a full line of Mexican meals in supermarkets and the first to advertise Mexican cuisine in the US was started here.
What is El Paso?
A county named after a tributary of the Ohio River in the U.S. state of West Virginia.
What is Kanawha?
Caddo-Kiowa Technology Center, Crimson Valley Schools, QueCee Edu Hub Limited, Ware Shoals School District 51
What is a list of customers, except one that is made up (Crimson Valley Schools)?