Showing respect and staying safe by
sitting in your assigned seat every day
Place where your devices should be
In your backpack
Remember every day
bring your charged laptop to class
Enter Smartpass, display crossed fingers, and wait for teacher to acknowledge you.
Gum Chewing
Not during school hours (8am - 3:30pm)
Type of attitude needed
Emergency Communication
Will be sent by the school district to parents
If damaged or destroyed
you will be fined
Good Hygeine
Wash your hands
Not a joke, never ok on school ground
Absolutely necessary to contact home?
Call from the office
Show integrity by
Staying on instructed website
Vandalize or mess up the restroom
Redirection, email home, detentions, suspensions
stay on __________ and ask for _______ when needed
task; help
Email or Phone
Ways parents can contact teachers
Property of?
The school
Respect Privacy
Do not look over stall doors or enter the same stall as another student
Protect privacy
Admin will not share consequences of other students
The Golden Rule
Treat others the way you'd want to be treated
Email parents to pick up phone or turn in daily
If found with your cell phone
Prevent unwanted use by others
Close device when you walk away from it.
Suspicious Behavior?
Report it to the hall monitor, teacher, Ms. Shawn or Mr. Paz
Loss of privileges, admin consequences, unable to attend field trips, no participation in extra-curricular activities
Behavior contract consequences