Fall Risk assessment tool utilized in the ED
What is the EDFRAT?
Precautions for a low fall risk
What is locked and lowered stretcher with one rail up, personal belongings and call bell within reach/method of communicating with staff?
These should be removed from the room of a pediatric patient
What are rolling chairs and stools?
What needs to be assessed after a patient fall
What are presence of an injury, vital signs and neurological status?
Where the fall risk signs should be placed
What is on the patient's room door?
Assessment tool for pediatric patients
Additional fall interventions for a high fall risk
What are yellow nonskid socks, yellow wristband, and fall risk sign?
When on the stretcher, infants should always be
What is accompanied by caregiver or attended to by staff?
These should be in place for all patients
What are fall prevention interventions?
This should be verified in handoff
What is the patient's fall risk score?
Score of a high fall patient risk on the EDFRAT
What is >2?
Additional equipment that can be used to prevent falls
What are gait belts, fall mats, sara steady, and bed alarms?
These can be used to prevent a patient from sticking their head through the stretcher siderails
What are seizure pads?
This should be monitored after a fall
What is pain?
This can be used for high fall risk patients when a safety partner is not available
What is remote patient monitoring?
Low fall risk score for pediatric patients
What is 7-11 on the Humpty Dumpty Scale?
These patients may experience more falls
What are cognitively impaired patients?
These should be secured in the room of a pediatric patient
What are cables?
This is how long a patient should be reassessed after a fall
What is within one hour?
This documentation is required when a patient falls
What are post fall assessment flowsheet, RiskConnect (STARS), post fall huddle form?
Staff should do this for all fall risk patients
What is provide fall prevention education?
Patients should not be left alone during these activities
What is using the restroom/bedside commode?
An infant should be removed from this when it is placed on the stretcher
What is a carrier?
Sudden, unintentional descent with or without injury that results in the patient coming to rest on the floor, on a person, or against an object
What is a fall?
These incidents are INCLUDED in fall reporting
What are pediatric patients who are dropped?