"In brightest day in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight let those who worship evils might beware my power _____ _________ light"
All Greens Lantern DC
what group of people kidnap Starlord
The Ravagers
Noseless guy has an unhealthy obsession with a teenage boy
Harry Potter
Kid tries to kill his dad for doing his job
a frisbee that disobeys the laws of physics
Captian America's shield
"That's rough buddy"
Zuko Avatar the Last Air Bender
order of eugenicist nuns
bene gesserit
Cancer survivor never loses his sense of humor
kid smacks his watch all the time and gets mad when it doesn't work
Ben 10
what is Mjolnir made of in Marvel
Goons in the Batman Arkham games
What are the two main groups in the war for Cybertron
Autobots and Decepticons
Talking frog convinces son to kill his dad
Star Wars
world's worst blue boyfriend
Dr Manhattan
What is the name of the weapon used by Yondu
Yaka arrow
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
Optimus Prime Transformers
Chosen name for the Pink Lantern Corps
Star Saphires
Paranoid Billionaire afraid of immigrant
Batman Vs Superman
a strange doctor without any powers
DC Doctor Hugo Strange Batman villain works as a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum
What is called the most powerful weapon in the DC universe (I would argue it's not)
Lantern rings
"perhaps you relied on my master's vow against using lethal force however I can assure you I subscribe to no such niceties"
Alfred Pennyworth DC
What group of superheroes came before the Justice League in DC
The Justice Society of America
Two men fight over a pair of glasses all over Europe
Spiderman Far From Home
Kid can't get bug off him
Blue Bettle
Swing it around while shouting ThunderCats