Newton's Laws of Motion
True or False
what is a push or a pull motion
a force
Describe the motion of a kicked soccer ball rolling on the ground and which of Newton's laws describes this motion.
the ball will move in a straight line, in the direction you kicked it and at a constant speed until friction between the ground and the ball stops the ball. This is Newton's 1st Law of Motion.
How do you calculate speed?
The distance an object traveled divided by the time the object took to travel.
Friction prevents you from slipping.
What is measured when you use a pan balance?
What is friction?
A force that resists motion between two touching surfaces
How would you speed up the acceleration of a rolling bowling ball? What law describes this?
You could either use a bowling ball with less mass or roll the ball with more force. This is described by Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
Ms. Eng ran 400 meters in 2 minutes. What was her speed?
What is 200 m/min
The size of a vector (arrow) tells you the speed of the object.
False. The size of the vector arrow tells you the strength or magnitude of a force
What tool is used to measure force?
a Newton meter or Newton spring scale
What force pulls down on objects and is produced by mass
The force of gravity pulls me down to the Earth. Why do I not fall through the Earth? What of Newton's Laws describes this motion?
The Earth pushed back on me with an equal and opposite force. This is described by Newton's 3rd Law of Motion.
Mrs. Ray drove 32 km in 8 minutes. What was her speed?
What is 4 km/min?
The reaction force is equal in size and in the same direction as the action force.
false. The reaction force is equal in size but opposite in direction as the action force. Newton's 3rd law.
What is the difference between mass and weight?
mass is the amount of stuff, the amount of matter, or number of grams in an object. Mass does not change from place to place. Weight is the force of gravity pulling on an object. This changes as gravity changes.
What illustration describes the direction and magnitude of forces.
a forces diagram
A student tests the which surface has the highest amount of friction when rolling a ball. Which of Newton's law best describes this investigation? Why?
Newton's first law because the student is testing the different friction forces that bring a rolling ball to a stop.
A player throws a basketball (mass = 12kg) with an acceleration of 3m/s2. How much force did the player throw the ball with and which of Newton's laws did you use to find the answer?
Using Newton's second law (F=ma), the force is 12kg x 3m/s2 = 36N So the force = 36N
Force = mass x speed
False. Force = mass x acceleration
All objects with mass produce this force
What describes how fast and what direction an object is moving
Using Newton's second law (F=ma), describe each variable in terms of a soccer ball that is rolling on the ground after being kicked.
The kick that started the soccerball rolling is the force that accelerates the soccerball along the ground. The mass is the mass of the soccerball.
A player kicks a ball (mass = 10kg) with a force of 25N. What is the acceleration of the ball and which of Newton's laws did you use to find the answer?
Using Newton's second law, F=ma and solving for acceleration a = F/m a= 25N/10Kg = 2.4m/s2 so the acceleration is 2.4m/s2
acceleration occurs when an object changes direction or speed.
Explain why a marble in free fall may have a higher speed than a rolling marble.
The rolling marble encounters more friction - friction between the air and marble and friction between the marble and gravity. In addition the marble in free fall is traveling in the same direction as gravity than the gravity rolling at an angle so is pulled with a higher acceleration.