Are Fossil Fuels a Renewable or Nonrenewable energy source?
What is an example of a Renewable energy source?
Wind power, Solar power, Geothermal energy, Hyrdopower, Bioenergy
What is an endangered species?
An animal in danger of extinction
What Biome is Sedona?
Who won the 2024 super bowl?
kansas city cheifs
Example of a Fossil Fuel
Coal, oil, natural gas
How many kind of renewable energy sources are there?
What is an Extinct Species?
A species that no longer exists on earth
What Biome is cold?
What is a point in soccer called?
A goal
Which fossil fuel can you drill for?
what is a renewable energy?
An energy source that is natural and can be replenished.
Example of a Extinct dinosaur.
T-rex basically any
What is a Biome?
A geographical land area
Does Colby have bangs?
Yes, 3 big chunks
Which fossil can you mine for?
What is a negative to renewable energy?
High Cost
Is hunting a cause of extinction or endangerment?
Do foxes live in deciduous forests?
My middle name
Where do Fossil Fuels come from?
Ancient animal and plant life
when was wind power first used?
5,000 B.C.
What animal is the closest to extinction currently?
Javan Rhino
What is a characteristic of a deciduous forest?
Trees shedding leaves, Rich soil
What is Ms.fritzlers room number