what is an example of a fossil
coal,oil, gas
what is an example of renewable energy
solar power
what is an endangered/extinct
An endangered species is a plant or animal that is at risk of extinction, while an extinct species is a species that has gone extinct
what is a biome
A biome is a large geographical area characterized by distinct climate, vegetation, and animal life
who got 2nd place in the 2022 world cup
what are the 3 major fossil fuels
oil, gas, coal
What is 5 renewable energy?
solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, geothermal energy and biofuels
name a extinct animal
dodo bird
what is an example of a biome
deserts, grasslands, forests, tundra, freshwater, coral reefs, and tropical rainforests.
who is paid to win in the super bowl/every game
Yes, fossil fuels are bad for the environment and human health.
1 main renewable resources
wave energy
name an endangered animal
red wolf
what biome is Ohio in
Temperate Forests
whats the rizzlers real name
Christian Joseph
Are dinosaurs fossil fuels?
when was solar power invented
7th century BCE
Are axolotls endangered?
what biome is cold
what else is massive
the lowwwwwwwwww taper fade
What will happen if we stop using fossil fuels?
it would likely cause a significant disruption to the global economy and infrastructure
what is a con of renewable resources
high costs
What is the #1 endangered species?
Javan Rhinos
what biome is a koala in
eucalyptus forests
how many bangs does Colby have on his forehead
3 big chunks