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Greenhouse/fossil fuel Stuff
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What does BTU stand for?

British Thermal Unit


True or False: Fossil fuels are made from the remains of old chairs.



What are the 3 R's of sustainability?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


What does BTU stand for and what is it used to measure?

BTU stands for British Thermal Unit. A BTU is used to measure the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water, one degree Fahrenheit.


What does W stand for in kWh?



What are the 3 fossil fuels?

Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas


True or False: A landfill can collect the gasses that are a byproduct of decomposing garbage and use these gasses as fuel for generating electricity.



Describe how a wind turbine works:

A wind farm harnesses the energy from wind to turn large blades on a modern day windmill. The blades turn a generator that generates electricity. There are no harmful emissions from a windmill.  


Where is the closest wind farm to our school?

Bear Creek


How are fossil fuels made?

Fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals.


What is the name for a location that is outfitted with special materials to contain our trash?



Why are wind turbines so tall?

Wind turbines are so tall because, typically, the higher off of the ground that you go, the winds are stronger and steadier. 


How much of the Earth is covered with water?

About 75%


Research indicates that emissions from vehicles, fossil fueled power plants, and factories are causing a more significant heat retention, resulting in warmer average global temperatures.  These emissions are referred to as:

Greenhouse Gases


Electricity generating power plants use a fuel to heat water.  The water expands as it is heated to turn into steam.  How is the steam used to generate electricity?

The steam is used to to turn a turbine, which turns a generator, that generates electricity.


Describe how a hydroelectric facility works:

Hydroelectric facilities generate electricity by harnessing the energy of  flowing water.  The already flowing water in a body of water, such as a river, is channeled through a turbine.  The turbine turns a generator that generates electricity.  There are no emissions from a hydroelectric facility. 


What is considered to be one of the major greenhouse gases?

Carbon Dioxide


Describe the Greenhouse Effect:

A widely accepted theory, developed long ago, suggests that a layer of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere act like the glass in a greenhouse, keeping in the warm air that is heated by the Sun.  Retaining this warm air is what allows us to have an atmosphere that supports life.


Describe how electricity is generated using nuclear energy:

Nuclear power creates electricity using the same mechanical process of using steam to turn a turbine and a generator. However, the heat for turning the water to steam is created by splitting atoms in a series of controlled nuclear reactions.


In terms of the mechanisms, how are the wind power generation and hydroelectric power generation alike? 

Both hydroelectric facilities and wind farms generate electricity by harnessing the energy of flowing water and / or wind.  The already flowing water or wind turns a turbine.   The turbine turns a generator that generates electricity. There are no harmful emissions created by either of these power generation systems.