I do not eat food. But I do enjoy a light meal every day. What am I?
What controls the activities of the cell?
What is the largest object in our solar system
Theory most researchers use of how the universe began
Big Bang Theory
What is a supernova?
This is when stars explode and die
Does high humidity raises or lowers the temp?
High humidity increases the temperature
How many meteorites fall on Earth?
approximately 17,000 a year
Which is bigger: meteorite or meteor?
Meteoroids are bigger. When meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere at high speed and burn up, the fireballs or “shooting stars” are called meteors.
each year the moon moves 1inch further from the earth what happens to the earth ?
Over the year rotating slower as the moon drifts out
What produces Chlorophyl?
What happens when the rotation of the slowly stops
Tsunamis And everyone on earth will be leaning right
What happens to the day when the earth stops rotating
It will be like a year long … one side of the earth would not see daylight and the other burn … because now u have no wind to move air to create rain
How many miles will light travel in a year which is also known as lightyear
6,000,000,000 miles or 186,000 miles per second
If the earths atmosphere consist of 42% oxygen what Impact will it have on the earth ?
Too much oxygen we would have more fires ,living things and creepy crawlers and insects would grow bigger … hence think of the dinosaurs
geologists and experts in sea bed minerals says which ocean bed holds very high-grade rare GOLD on earth?
The South Pacific Ocean
What is the Element symbol of iron?
This is an impulsive noise similar to thunder
Sonic Boom
Everythjng that burns what do they have in common
They turn into carbon
is the moon moving away from the earth each year or moving closer?
What causes an ice to melt ?
It absorbs the heat of the surround temp
Is oxygen flammable ?
No! it promotes combustion
How many phases in a menstrual cycle?
4 (menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase)
Star mounds found in samoa is similar to similar to star mounds found in South and North America - do they share the same ancestors ?
Yes , new studies shows polynesians and native americans share the same gene.
What is the element symbol of Gold?
What is the speed of sound
700 MPH
When u look up at the night sky what is the brightest thing out there
is the earth rotation slowing down or speeding up each year ?
Slowing down
Where is the earth rotating the fastest ? North pole , South Pole , Equator, or they all move at the same speed?
Why were animals bigger in the day of the dinosaurs?
Researchers theorized that high oxygen contents in the atmosphere could have allowed dinosaurs to grow to larger sizes
How did ancient Polynesians known at around 1500 BC travel far around the world by canoes with sails ?
The used the constellations the for navigation, they developed the Inept ability to sense air pressure the direction of the wind and current with their eyes closed, they familiarize themselves with cloud patterns in the sky and formation to predict the weather. The sun and moon aided with navigation and time.
What are some ways we can determine tome by using the sun ? Each correct answer gets 400 points
Sundial, sticks and shadow or cast , your watch with the dials
What is the element symbol of silver?
What chemical is found in hair and household cleaning products?
What is the world's darkest man-made substance, it absorbs 99.96% of it's light.
What causes the earth rotation to slow down?
the tides affecfted by the moon , climate change and mass migration
What speed is the earth spinning at?
1000 miles per hour
How do we know or measure the core of the earth and its layers and temp?
We dont know ! scientist based their findings of seismic activity and earha magnetic field
What do flat earthers think the world is?
A disc not a globe/sphere
Where is the hottest place on Earth?
Death Valley, California
What is the element symbol of titanium?
Why is it hard for you to see stars during the daytime
Because of the blue light from the sun scatters throughout the atmosphere
What is the device that measures cloud height and cloud depth
This is a geometry tool divided into 180 equal parts, each measuring 1°
How many moons does Saturn have
White-light from the sun consist of what colors
The main colors are ROYGBIV
Who were the first seafarers that made it to the shores of South America
European History Books says it was Columbus which is a lie!
Crete from the island of Samos who migrated in the south pacific and settled in what is nownonown as the Samoan islands - who later migated north towards Hawaii and eastward towards Easter Island and Peru
What is the hottest place in earth on record ? 600 extra points of you know the temp
Death valley at 134 degrees F
What is the element symbol of copper?
What is moisture in the air ?
What instrument do we use to measure relative himidity?
What is do we call low scattered clouds that sometimes produces drizzles
stratus cloud
When the moon partially or fully blocks the sun
Solar eclipse
What are the 4 types of clouds
Stratus, cumulous, Nimbus and Cirrus
Who gathered valuable evidence and proposed for evolution by natural selection.
Charles Darwin
How many Gs can u reached before u blackout ?
High levels of g-force can damage the body and at around 9gs most humans black out as blood struggles to reach the brain.
What is the element symbol of lead?
What is the closest star to earth other than our sun
Alpha Centuri C
What is Ivan Pavlov's contribution to science
Classical conditioning through his experiments with dogs
What were the earliest and most basic forms of life on Earth.
He proposed that black holes would emit subatomic particles until they eventually exploded.
Stephen Hawking
78% of the aor we breathe is made up of what ?
This is the temperature to which air must be cooled for water vapor in it to condense into dew or frost. At any temperature there is a maximum amount of water vapor that the air can hold. This maximum amount is called water vapor saturation pressure. Think of it as condensation.
Dew point
How much G-force do astronauts get during takeoff ?
Astronauts normally experience a maximum g-force of around 3gs during a rocket launch. This is equivalent to three times the force of gravity humans are normally exposed
What is the element symbol for mercury?
What is the difference btw weather and climate
One is short and the other is long term
If all bees went extinct what would happen to earth
They pollinate 70 of the 100 plant species animals and humans rely on for food and medicine if these plants die most animals would go extinct and so as some Humans
What are the 3 types of rocks?
igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Who is smarter a super computer or a human brain and why
Computers are designed machines based on logic, reproducibility, predictability, and mathematics; on the other hand, the human brain is more versatile and unpredictable it can simultaneously perceive, interpret, store, analyze, and distribute. Some Studies show humans only use 10% of the brain we have not yet unlock its full potential
Why is mars red ?
Because of the rusty dist suspended in the atmosphere
Why does saturn have rings ?
Those are pieces of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons that broke up before they reached the planet, torn apart by Saturn's powerful gravity
Scientifically Why does it rain ?
Clouds are made of water droplets. Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one another, causing the droplets to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain.
What is the element symbol of oxygen?
What holds the water surrounding the earth ?
What is the nearest planet to the sun
What are the main components of most alcoholic beverages
Ethanol and water
If the earth is spinning why cant we feel it?
because we are spinning along with the Earth at the same constant speed.
What is the saltiest ocean water
Red Sea
If the light spectrum as we know it cuts out the red - what color will the apple be ?
What are the two natural compounds of cannabis?
What is the element symbol of carbon dioxide?
The world's largest volcanic eruption to happen in the past 100 years was the June 15, 1991. What's the name of the volcano?
Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines
When u ascend up high in the sky does the air get more or less denser ? Thicker or thinner ?
Less denser / thinner
How many miles up in the sky is the International space Station ?
350 miles up
What is the name given to the north star
Over the years will the north star move put of its north orientation to earth?
Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity.
Marie Curie
What is the well known area in the Atlantic ocean where planes and ships from past and present have disappeared?
Bermuda triangle
With the exclusionnof plants on land
50% of the earths oxygen comes from where ?
Phytoplankton from the ocean
What addictive substance is found in coffee and Coca Cola?
Your in a submarine 1000 ft underwater , u shake a soda can what happens when u pop the lid ?
it wont gush out because of the pressure
Your brain can generate electricity to power a lightbulb,
(true or false)
True , about 15 to 20 watta
Which organ in your body turns red when u blush?
The stomach
Which part of the body has an acid that can burn through the skin? 300 Bonus point if you know the name of the acid ?
The stomach , hydrochloric acid
True or false - Baby have 60 more bone than adults
What is the resolution of the human eye ?
500 Megapixel
The human eyes have the capability to differentiate how many colors ?
What data can be retrieved from a strand of hair for analysis ?
Drugs, vitamins, Or alcohol
Whst is the largest organ in the human body
The skin
Skeleton bones in your body regenerates itself every _____ years
10 years
How many times does your kidney filter the blood each day?
25 times a day
How many gallons of blood does your kidneys filter each day?
4.75 gallons
What organ removes wastes and extra fluid from your body?
How many eyelids do cats have?
What body organ u can donate 75% of it , it will still regenerate ?
The liver