Whats Ryans favorite sport?
What do plants remove from the atmosphere?
CO2/carbon dioxide
How many steps are in the water cycle?
What is the law of conservation of matter?
Matter can't be created or destroyed, it can only change form.
What is one way humans negatively impact the environment?
Deforestation, Over fishing, Hunting, etc.
How many pets does Maya have?
One dog
What requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?
Cellular respiration
What is transpiration?
Water vapor released from plant leaves
Fill in the blank
Organisms need ___ to make cells/tissues
What are renewable resources?
Resources that can be replenished by the natural process just as quickly as they are being used.
How many years did Gracie live in Texas?
12 years
How are fossil fuels formed?
Dead organisms and sediment are continuously buried for a long period of time.
What is exhalation?
Water vapor released when organisms breathe
Fill in the blank
___ are essential for all living things.
What is resource depletion?
Using too many resources in one place to the point where it can become non renewable
What premier team does Ryan play for?
What is combustion?
A process of burning something
What is step 3 of the water cycle?
What are the three most important pathways of matter moving through an ecosystem?
Nitrogen cycle, water cycle, oxygen-CO2 cycle
What can smog lead to?
A number of respiratory issues and even sight problems?
What was our original trivia name?
The winners
What's the greenhouse effect?
Too much CO2 can be harmful to the environment.
What two ways do organisms get their water back?
Absorption and consumption
Nitrogen makes up what percent of the atmosphere?
What percent of U.S resources are non renewable?