How do fireflies use light?
Firflies communicate with potential mates by blinking out codes.
What do pineapples grow on
What are the four ways that animals communicate with each other.
light, sound , chemical reaction, body language
Define Biolumnesene
The ability of living organisms to give off light caused by a chemical reaction in the body.
How many pigeons are in NYC
9 million
How do dogs use pheremones
Dogs will pee on to mark their territory so other animals use.
What are reflexes?
Reflex's are a quick, automatic response that does not require a message sent from the brain.
What is monkeys favorit food
What are pheromones?
Chemical released by an animal that influences the behavior of other animals of the same species.
Name 3 behavior patterns
estivation, hibernation, migration
What zone does the angler fish live in
Midnight zone
What is another way a animal uses light
Angler fish use to see down in the midnight zone for food.
Is this a example of a innate behavior
True or False?
cats landing on their feet
What can pheromones signal?
They can signal the presence of danger food, mates , or territorial bounders.
Ants will leave a trail of pheromones to lead other members of their colony to food.