What is an innate Behavior?
A behavior that an animal is born with
What is communication
The way animals communicate with eachother
What is Sound?
Vibrations that travel through the air.
What is Bioluminescence?
The ability of living organisms to give off light.
How old is Donald Trump?
What innate Behavior makes animals try something more than one time?
Trial and Error
What is an example of Communication?
What groups of animals communicate with each other?
Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Insects, Mammals
What animal is typically associated with their bioluminescence?
Fireflies communicate with potential mates by blinking out codes
How many strands of hair does Kim Jon un have
What innate behavior makes it that if an animal hangs around a person for too long it will think it's his/her owner or mom.
Why do animals communicate with each other to find mates?
It helps establish their territory
What kinds of noises do Dolphins make to communicate with other Dolphins?
Clicks, Whistles, and Grunts.
Where is bioluminescence necessary for animals to communicate?
90% of fish and crustaceans in the midnight zone of the ocean use bioluminescence
Who is This?
What innate behavior trains animals to behave a certain way.
What are Four ways animals communicate with each other?
Body Language
What kinds of insects are notorious for making sounds?
Crickets and Cicadas both use sound to attract mates
They make a buzz
What chemical did Mr. Lemke talk about?
Who is this?
What is an example of cognitive behavior that is like your reaction time
What kind of animal uses light to communicate?
Lightning Bug
What kind of animal has a distinct call to communicate with their spices?
Birds all have distinct calls to communicate within their species across long distances
How do ants release their pheromone?
Ants will leave a trail of pheromones to lead other members of their colony to food
Who is Diddy's best friend
Ashton Kutcher