Name three parts of the ear…
Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup, Eardrum, Cochlea, Pinna, Auditory Canal, Semi-Circular canals
Name three parts of the eye…
Retina, Lens, Cornea, Iris, Rods and cones
How many types of wave are there?
When light enters a glass block, what is the angle it enters at called?
Bonus 75: What is the angle it exits at called?
Angle of incidence,
Angle of refraction,
What is sound measured in?
What part of your eye adjusts to light?
Bonus 50: If it is dark, Does it get bigger or smaller?
The pupil
BiggerWhich two parts of the eye focus light on the retina?
The cornea and the lens
What are the names of the waves?
Bonus 100: Name 2 examples for each (50 for 1 example each)
Longitudinal, Transverse
Longitudinal: Sound, ultrasound and infrasound
Tranverse: Light, microwaves, water waves
What is the speed of light in space?
300,000,000 M\S
Bonus 150: Explain your answer
Bonus:The molecules are closer together
What are the three small bones in our ear?
Bonus 300: Name the scientific names
The Hammer, Anvil and Stirrup.
Bonus: Malleus, Incus, Stapes
What are the two types of lenses?
Bonus 100: Which type of lens matches short/long sighted people?
Convex and Concave
Convex: Shortsightedness
Concave: Longsightedness
What is the speed of sound in the air?
Bonus 200: What is the speed of sound in water?
340 M\S
Bonus: 1500 M\S
In what scenario does light not bend when it enters a denser medium?
When the angle of incidence is facing 90 degrees to the glass block.
Bonus 100: What is a sound above 20,000HZ called?
How long does it take for the ear to process sound?
Bonus 200: Name the condition that delays hearingAround 0.3 seconds
Auditory processing disorder {APD}
What do rods and cones do? Which one does which?
Create black and white images\Adds colour
What are the two types of sound waves humans can’t hear?
Infrasound and Ultrasound
Why does refraction happen?
What is the speed of sound in space?
It doesn’t travel in space as it is a vacuum.
What type of scale is the decibel scale?
Bonus: How does this type of scale work?
A logarithmic scale
Bonus: For every increase of 10 dB, the sound is 10 times as loud.
Why do we have a blind spot?
Because there is a lack of retinal cells where the optic nerve is located.
What is the highest and lowest wave on the Electromagnetic spectrum?
325 per type
Highest: Gamma rays
Lowest: Radio waves
Name a believed color that actually isn’t one?
Bonus 200: Why is it not a color?
Bonus: Because it is a shade of red and is not in the rainbow. Therefore it is made up of more than one wavelength.
Name three factors that affect the volume of sound?
Sensitivity of ear
Distance from source