how many inches are in 3 feet
what does GPE stand for
Gravitational potential energy
how many inches are in a foot
12 inches
what is the formula used to get work
work equals force times distance
how many feet are in 2 meters
if you have something in grams you need to turn it to Kg to solve how many grams are in one Kg
1,000 grams
how many grams are in 1kg
1,000 grams
what is the formula to find Kennetic energy
work=force times distance
how many seconds are in 2 hours
what is gravitational energy
it is the potential that gravitiy has to pull something to the ground if there is nothing to affect its path.
how many minutes in 3 in a half hours
to find Ke what does the M stand for and what factor does it have to be in
it is weight and it has to be in Kg
how many Kgs are in 3,560 grams.
what is the formula to find GPE
Kg times distance times 9.8
how many feet are in one meter
what does the V stand for in the formula to find Ke
it is meters per second
how many feet in 2 miles
how much GPE is in 5 kg and 90 meters.
if there is 6 meters how many feet are in it
what is the formula to find GPE
Kg times distance times 9.8