The ability to do work or cause change
What is energy
If you had objects made of metal, cloth and plastic, you can ______ how different they feel in coldness when you touch two objects at the same time.
To change from one kind of energy to another
What is transform.
If you blew up a balloon and put it in air conditioning, the particles inside the balloon would _________.
What is move around
Energy in the particles that vibrate as they pass through matter
What is SOUND
Stored energy in object
What is potential energy
When you touch an object with your hands, thermal energy is transferred from ___________.
What is your hand to the object.
When one object bumps into another object
What is collision
Form of energy going out in all directions
What is WAVE
The energy of a moving object
What is kinetic energy
Some objects feel cooler than others because some objects ___________.
What is transfer thermal energy more quickly than others.
The transfer of thermal energy from one object to another is called
What is Heat
When thermal energy is transferred between objects, the heat moves from the warmer object to the _____.
What does it mean "to produce"
The distance an object travels in a particular amount of time
What is speed
If you blew up a balloon and put it in the freezer, the particles inside the balloon would be __________.
What is close together
Energy that travels as a wave
What is Radiation
What is an INSULATOR
A property that causes matter to have a force
What is electric charge
Movement from one object to another
What is transfer
If you blew up a balloon and put it in the sun, the particles inside the balloon would _____________.
What is bounce far apart from each other.
A form of energy we can see
What is light
The starting point
What is the SOURCE
The flow of charged particles