It's All Greek to Me
Feeling Fat and Gassy?
Space is Fun, but Only if You Planet Well
Milk E. Way
It's Just a Phase

The ancient Greeks names many of these celestial formations after characters in Greek myths

What are constellations?


This category of planets in the outer solar system includes planets made of gases such as helium, water vapor, and hydrogen

What are Gas Giants?


This planet is known for having a size, mass, density, and internal structure that is similar to Earth's

What is Venus?


The study of the universe beyond Earth

What is astronomy?


This term refers to the moon phase in which we see the entire surface of the moon reflecting sunlight

What is a full moon?


The apparent backward motion of outer planets caused by Earth moving faster than the outer planets.

What is retrograde motion?


This category of planets consist mostly of rock and have an atmosphere

What are terrestrial planets/terrestrial?


This planet contains liquid water and an atmosphere composed mainly of nitrogen

What is Earth?


An event that occurs when one body in space gets between another body in space and the sun.

What is an eclipse?


An event that occurs when a new moon blocks the view of the sun

What is a solar eclipse?


This term refers to the gradual acceptance of ideas once considered revolutionary- namely, a heliocentric model of the solar system based on mathematical data

What was the Copernican Revolution?


the movement of an object around the center of another object

What is revolution?


This planet is known for it's large visible rings and many moons.

What is Saturn?


The oval path a body in space takes around another body in space

What is an orbit?


This term refers to the cycle of phases the moon goes through during its revolution around Earth.

What is the Lunar Cycle?


This famous Greek philosopher established the geocentric model of the solar system in 350 BCE. This model persisted for more than a thousand years due to his fame.

Who was Aristotle?


The turning or circling of an object 

What is rotation?


This cold, blue planet is known for having a tilted axis.

What is Uranus?


The process of atoms combining to form denser atoms

What is nuclear fusion?


This type of event occurs during a full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun

What is a lunar eclipse?


This geocentric model of the solar system included epicycles to explain why some planets appeared to move backwards

What is the Ptolemaic Model?


The core of the Earth is made primarily of the elements nickel and (fill in the blank)

What is iron?


This tiny planet has no moons and an interior of mainly dense iron

What is Mercury?

The core of a collapsed supernova

What is a neutron star?


This type of tide occurs twice a month when gravitational pull of the moon and the gravitational pull of the Sun are in the same direction and results in extra high tides

What is a Spring Tide?