Science A
Science B
Science C
Science D
Science E
An object moves rapidly as it is thrown upward. Its motion slows as it reaches a maximum height, and then it falls back down. What causes the upward motion to become slower? A. The kinetic energy is converted to wind energy. B. The kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy. C. The gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. D. The gravitational potential energy is converted to light energy.
What is... B. The kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy.
Earth is shown between the sun and the moon in the diagram (see Elmo). Which type of moon will be viewed from Earth when Earth is between the sun and the moon? F. waning gibbous G. waxing crescent H. new moon J. full moon
What is... J. full moon
Which of these contains both abiotic and biotic elements in a desert environment? A. rocks and sunlight B. water and pebbles C. scorpions and sand D. roadrunners and snakes
What is... C. scorpions and sand
A rubber band is streched between a person's fingers and then released. This best demonstrates... F. products and reactants. G. friction and air resistance. H. physical and chemical changes. J. potential and kinetic energy.
What is... J. potential and kinetic energy.
On a summer evening, a barometer reading shows a gradual increase in air pressure. The humidity is 80%. The thermometer reading is slightly increasing. based on these data, what type of weather should be expected for the next day? A. clear and sunny B. cool and rainy C. rainy and windy D. cloudy and cold
What is... A. clear and sunny
Water and ketchup are each poured onto a tray from two separate bottles. The charts (see Elmo) represent the amount of time it takes each liquid to flow from the top to the bottom of the tray. What conclusion is best supported by the data? F. Thicker liquids take longer to travel to the bottom of a tray. G. Thicker liquids take less time to travel to the bottom of a tray. Liquid with sugar crystals travels to the bottom of a tray faster.
What is... F. Thicker liquids take longer to travel to the bottom of a tray.
A teacher uses a flashlight, an apple, and a walnut to show a lunar eclipse (see Elmo) This lab setup (see Elmo) best demonstrates that a lunar eclipse occurs during a A. new moon. B. full moon. C. first quarter moon. D. crescent moon.
What is... B. full moon
A meteorologist used radr to analyze the wind during a storm in the central plains of the United States. The winds were measured at 145 miles per hour and were moving in a circular pattern. According to the data, which event was the meteorologist most likely observing? F. a lightning storm G. a tornado H. rainbow J. cloud formation
What is... G. a tornado
What happens to some of the energy in a green plant when it is consumed by a deer? A. It is destroyed. B. It doubles in size. C. It helps maintain body heat. D. It is converted into a pure element.
What is... C. It helps maintain body heat.
Which type of energy is converted when fireworks release heat, light, and sound? F. kinetic energy G. elastic potential energy H. chemical potential energy J. electromagnetic energy
What is... H. chemical potential energy
A student see the moon and says, "The moon looks larger than the stars." Which best explains why the student makes this observation? A. The moon is reflecting light from the sun. B. The moon is closer to Earth than the stars. C. The moon is much larger than the stars. D. The moon is much larger than Earth.
What is.... B. The moon is closer to Earth than the stars.
A group of students researched and collected data for a report on the weather in Nashville, Tennessee, for one year (see Elmo). Based on the data, the students concluded that all cities in Tennessee will receive approximately 3.6 inches of rainfall next August. Which best explains why the students' conclusion is incorrect? F. The data collected did not include yearly rainfall amounts. G. The data collected did not include daily rainfall amounts. H. Rainfall averages were collected only from one city. J. Rainfall averages were not compared to a previous year.
What is... H. Rainfall averages were collected only from one city.
What type of energy is being converted into kinetic energy as a marble falls from a shelf? A. electrical potential energy B. gravitational potential energy C. elastic potential energy D. chemical potential energy
What is... B. gravitational potential energy
A battery is designed to provide improved power supply in areas with extremely low temperatures. Which test best determines if a prototype meets this goal? F. Compare the power of the prototype to the power of other standard batteries under normal conditions. G. Compare the lifetime of the prototype to that of a standard battery in a wide range of climate conditions. H. Compare the power storage of the prototype to that of a standard battery at cold temperatures. J. Compare the cost of materials for the prototype to the cost of materials for a standard battery.
What is... H. Compare the power storage of the prototype to that of a standard battery at cold temperatures.
Students counted the number of organisms located in a one-meter square plot in a grassland prairie. Their data are shown below. (see Elmo) Which graph best represents the data?
What is... answer choice "B"
What energy conversion occurs when a person rubs his or her hands together rapidly? F. electrical energy to thermal energy G. electrical energy to chemical energy H. thermal energy to kinetic energy J. kinetic energy to thermal energy
What is... J. kinetic energy to thermal energy
A bottle company discovered that caps were being applied with too much force. This caused many bottles to break. Engineers adjusted the capping device so it applies less force to the caps. Which steps should the engineers take before the adjustment is considered successful? A. adjust the capping device to increase the force applied by the bottle caps B. replace the bottle caps with different caps that cover a larger bottle opening C. compare the company's capping process to other companies' processes D. inspect bottles that have passed through the capping device after the adjustment
What is... D. inspect bottles that have passed through the capping device after the adjustment
The table (see Elmo) shows how hurricanes are classified based on the Saffir-Simpson scale. One hour after a hurricane hit land, its wind speed had fallen to 98 miles per hour. What was the classification of the hurricane at that time? F. Category 1 hurricane G. Category 2 hurricane H. Category 3 hurricane J. Category 4 hurricane
What is... G. Category 2 hurricane
What type of energy transfer is taking place as the coils in a toaster heat? A. chemical to thermal B. nuclear to electrical C. thermal to mechanical D. electrical to radiant
What is... D. electrical to radiant
The data table (see Elmo) shows land and water temperatures along a beach during a one-day period. In what way can the data be used to make a prediction? F. Inland temperatures will help cause tidal surges G. Water temperatures will help determine coastal temperatures. H. Coastal temperatures will help determine sea levels. J. Water temperatures will help cause inland soil erosion.
What is... G. Water temperatures will help determine coastal temperatures.
A company designed an electromagnet tool that removes dents from metal plates. The dented metal is placed between two magnets. A current is then supplied to the electromagnets. The attraction between the two magnets forces the dented metal plate back into place. How can engineers test to see if their design is successful? A. compare the cost of operating the tool to other dent removal tools B. compare the shape of the treated metal with the original shape of the metal C. compare the type of metal plates treated by the company to those of other companies D. compare the energy requirements of two similar dent removal tools
What is... B. compare the shape of the treated metal with the original shape of the metal
Which diagram (see Elmo) best shows the position of Earth, the moon and the sun when there is a new moon?
What is... answer choice "H"
A diagram of a roller coaster moving to the top of a hill is shown (see Elmo). Which type of energy will be greatest at the top of the hill? A. chemical potential energy B. nuclear potential energy C. elastic potential energy D. gravitational potential energy
What is... D. gravitational potential energy
The table (see Elmo) lists some characteristics of objects in our solar system. Scientists observe an object with a diameter of 950 km in an orbit around the sun. Scientists will most likely identify it as which type of object? F. Asteroid G. Moon H. Comet J. Planet
What is... F. Asteroid
When a button is pushed, a circuit is completed and a buzzer is activated. The buzzer transferred electrical energy into.... A. sound energy. B. chemical energy. C. light energy. D. nuclear energy.
What is... A. sound energy