Still Frontin
You Might Need a Better Umbrella
Avoiding the Darwin Award
Don't Be So Predictable
Random, Yet Annoying

This type of front forms when a cold air mass advances against a warmer air mass

What is a cold front?


A violent disturbance in the atmosphere that usually results in precipitation

What is a storm?


During this type of storm event, you should go to the basement or lowest interior level possible.

What is a tornado?

A scientist who studies and forecasts weather

Who is a meteorologist?


This layer of the Earth includes the solid lithosphere and the thick, syrupy asthenosphere.

What is the mantle?


This type of front occurs when a warm air mass moves over a cold air mass

What is a warm front?


A tropical cyclone that has winds of 74 miles per hour of greater

What is a hurricane?


During this type of storm, you should pay attention to weather reports/watches, board up your windows, and avoid low-lying or flood prone areas

What is a hurricane?

A line on a weather map that connects points of equal air temperature

What is an isotherm?


This noble gas makes up about 0.9% of Earth's atmosphere as is not reactive

What is Argon?


This type of front forms between a warm air mass and a cold air mass and results in little air movement.

What is a stationary front?


A storm with a narrow, violently rotating column of air that extends from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground.

What is a tornado?


During this type of storm, you should stay out of water, remain indoors, avoid windows, and stay away from trees or other tall objects.

What is a thunderstorm?


A line on a weather map that connects points of equal air pressure

What is an isobar?

The oceans of Earth include the Atlantic, Southern, Pacific, Arctic, and (fill in the blank)

What is the Indian Ocean?


This type of front occurs when a warm air mass is caught between two cold air masses

What is an occluded front?


A sound wave created by lightning quickly heating the air around it

What is thunder?


Wearing sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and clothing that covers your arms and legs is a great way to prevent skin damage and cancer caused by this type of electromagnetic wave

What is ultraviolet/UV 


Daily Double: This device is used to measure wind speed

What is an anemometer?


The amount of water vapor in the air relative to the amount the air can hold

What is relative humidity/humidity?


This type of air mass is cold and originates over higher latitudes

What is a polar air mass/polar

Extreme coastal flooding caused by a hurricane

What is a storm surge?


Do not walk or drive in moving water caused by this type of hazard (most often caused by thunderstorms)

What is flooding/flash floods


On a weather map, this type of front is marked with a blue triangle

What is a cold front?


Abbreviated "ASOS", this is the nation's primary weather-observing network

What is Automated Surface Observing Systems?