What is God?
A spirit
What does the scientific method do?
Solve problems and make connections between phenomena
What starts a wave?
This type of wave vibrates material as it moves.
What do we call the highness or lowness of a sound?
What is special revelation?
This variable is changed on purpose.
Independent variable
This is the number of waves that pass a certain point
What category of waves are sound waves?
Longitudinal waves
All objects have a frequency at which they vibrate called....
Natural frequency
What is general revelation?
Creation - the world around us showing God as a designer
In the scientific method, what step comes before forming a hypothesis?
This is transferred through a wave.
What can sound NOT travel through?
This is the change in perceived pitch that occurs when the source or receiver of a sound is moving
Doppler Effect
How can we know truth? (3 ways)
1. direct observation, 2. valid logic, 3. divine revelation
This is the variable you measure.
Dependent variable
This is the distance between a line through the middle of a wave and a crest or trough
Sound travels fastest through this material
Dense material (steel)
What do we call high frequency sound waves?
Ultrasound waves
What does Imago Dei mean?
We are made in God's image
What does the scientific method help us develop?
Theories that model the natural world
How is the speed of a wave found?
Wavelength x frequency
What kind of temperatures does sound travel through slowly?
Cold temperatures
What is it called when animals send out ultrasound waves and interpret the returning sound echoes?