Survival & Habitat
Decline of Biodiversity
distinctive characteristics that make an organism different from others of it's type
What are variations?
examples of this are budding, binary fission, spores, cloning, suckers, cuttings, and budding.
What is asexual reproduction?
this type of molecule carries out the functions of genetic material, and is also called deoxyribonucleic acid.
What is DNA?
This is the name for the extinction of a species, but only in a certain area.
What is extirpation?
This is a place where seeds from plants that are endangered or threatened, are stored for sale or future use.
What is a seed bank?
one type of species evolving into a variety of similar yet separate species
What is speciation?
An adjective to describe a trait that can be inherited?
What is heritable?
DNA is made of coiled sugars and phosphates linked by "rungs" of pairs of these 4 types of nitrogen bases.
What are adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine?
This is a species that, through its ability to survive or not, shows the overall health of the ecosystem in an area.
What is a bioindicator species?
This is a 1975 global treaty that made it against international law to import or export, buy or sell endangered plants and animals or parts of them.
What is CITES?
a type of adaptation that is related to how an organism acts and what it does
What is a behavioral adaptation?
A type of transfer of genetic material between two bacteria that isn't exactly reproduction.
What is bacterial conjugation?

this is the process of cell division that creates somatic cells with a complete amount of chromosomes.

What is mitosis?

This is a group of species that has the most biodiversity on earth.
What are insects (and other small insect like organisms)?
This is a public place where species are displayed and biodiversity may be protected and preserved.
What is a zoo?
The type of niche associated with few species and a high number within each species, species that can withstand a wide range of different conditions
What is a broad niche?
In a flowering plant, the female sexual reproductive organ, called the pistil, includes these 3 parts.
What are an ovary, style, and stigma.
This is the process of cell division that creates two gametes (half the normal number of chromosomes each).
What is meiosis?
The current best guess as to the reason the dinosaurs went extinct.
What is an asteroid impact on the Yucatan peninsula?
This is the name of a Canadian group devoted to preserving biodiversity.
What is the Canadian Wildlife Federation, or the Canadian Nature Federation?

A relationship where two organisms live in direct contact and benefit eachother. 

What is symbiosis, or a symbiotic relationship?

A single celled fertilized egg (plant or animal) is called this.
What is a zygote?

These are the four statements that summarize Darwin's theory of natural selection.

What are: 1. all organisms produce more offspring than can survive. 2. There's incredible variation within species. 3. some variations increase chances of survival. 4. variations get passed on and, over time, lead to genetic change.

These are three negative effects of the worldwide human population explosion.
What are deforestation for agriculture, loss of tropical rainforests, soil depletion due to agriculture, pollution, hunting, poaching.
This is the type of biome most likely to have the highest biodiversity and the most narrow niches of specialized organisms?
What is a tropical rainforest?