Key Initiatives
Approaches to Instruction
Adaptive Practices
mandates that students with disabilities must have access to these themes
What is IDEA
Observation, listening, and reading are examples of what science-related skill?
What is information acquisition
This approach requires the teacher to become the facilitator of learning rather than the distributor of information.
What is the Hands-On/ Activity-based Approach
standardized achievement tests, curriculum-based, activity-oriented, performance-based measures, analytic rubrics, portfolios, holistic rubrics.....
What are Types of Social Studies and Science Assessments
Special Education teachers must develop the ability to _____ materials and instruction proficiently and quickly for students to be successful in inclusive environments.
What is adapt
Reccommends: 1. Scientific literacy is for all students 2. Science is active, hands- on learning and in depth study of fewer topics 3. Science should emphasize critical thinking, problem- solving, and developing mathematics and science as a way of thinking and reasoning 4. Science should emphasize integration and interdisciplinary activities 5. Science should emphasize application of science, mathematics, and technology in real- life situations
What is National Science Education Standards & Project 2061
Deficiencies in language Difficulty with new concepts and vocabulary Inappropriate behaviors
What are problems with skill-development
This traditional approach continues to be used frequently especially and the upper elementary and secondary levels. This is problematic due to student reading levels, cohearence and structure.
What is the Textbook Approach
Which type of rubric would a teacher use to assess the "whole picture" and overall quality of the student's work?
What is a holistic rubric
1. graphic organizers 2. study guides 3. charts 4. outlines 5. visual-spatial displays 6. mneumonics
What are content enhancement techniques
Abstractness Skills Strategies Background and ???? are potential problems in the Social Studies and Science inclusive classrooms.
The following are examples of Science-related skills for Integration:
What are Synthesis, hypothesis, independent experimentation etc.
This approach to instruction combines several disciplines or subjects under one theme that will motivate students, provide opportuities to teach higer-level content amd relate content to real-life.
What is Integrated Curriculum
This type of assessment allows students to maintain records of the activities in which they have been involved. Explicit instruction is needed for HOW to do this at first for students with special needs.
What are Journals and Learning Logs
content adaptations - change the nature or amount of content presented to students format adaptations - change the way the information is presented to students look at page 342 and describe 3 adaptaion techniques
answers will vary - see page 342
The National Council for Social Studies issued the following as a guide for instruction:
What are Curriculum standards, including 10 thematic strands: 1. culture 2. time, continuity & change 3. people, places and environments 4. individual development 5. individuals, groups and institutions 6. power, authority and governance 7. production, distribution and consumption 8. science, technology and society 9. global connections 10. civic ideals & practices
Acquiring information: Reading, study skills, information search, technical skills Organizing and using information: Classifying, interpreting, analyzing, summarizing, synthesizing, evaluating, decision- making Participating socially: Personal skills, group interaction, social and political skills
What are Social Studies Skills
This approach combines features of the textbook/lecture and the inquiry-based hands-on approaches. For example: a teacher introduces a lesson with the text and follow-up with a hands-on discovery activity.
What is the Balanced Approach
This type of assessment is useful to determine what a student has learned aas well as interests and attitudes.
What is a Student Interview
This secondary level adaptation is given to students prior to reading. It has written material or oral discussion related to the assigned readings.
What is an advanced organizer
List 5 suggested items for science and social studies portfolios:
What are: notes from a science fair, history journal entries, travel brochure designs, research on a specific topic, concept webs, releif maps, video of a battle representation, timelines, artistic illustration of a topic, audio tape of speech or debate, diagrams and charts from an experiment, lab reports, teacher observations, photo collection of community events, homework examples, file notes from group work, scientific investigations, field trip reports, etc..
K- Self, school, community and home 1 - Familes 2 - Neighborhoods 3 - Communities 4 - State History, geographic regions 5 - US History 6 - World Cultures 7 - World Geography 8- American History 9- Civics 10- World History 11- American History 12- American government
What are typical social studies themes by grade level
List 3 accommodations you would make in the Science classroom during a hand-on activity for students with special needs.
What are: ANSWERS WILL VARY examples: 1. simplified instructions 2. group assignment (decreased writing) 3. verbal explanations
This process asks students to verbally explain the processes he or she used in solving a problem or performing an activity.
What is a Think-aloud
For instance, when assigned a project to do, students who already display difficuly with organizational skills, will need you to ....
What is organize their ideas and plan how to achieve the goal of the project.