the Environment
Important People
Mixed Bag
Name three types of energy that we talked about.
What is Sound, Mechanical, Heat/Thermal, and Light energy.
These are reasons that people form communities (name at least three).
What is religious freedom, to make money, for a job, for food and water, for shelter, to be safer, and to live were there are laws.
This telescope was put into space in 1990 and let us see better and clearer pictures than other telescopes.
What is the Hubble Telescope.
This woman is considered the first American woman Astronomer. She is credited with being the first person to realize that sunspots were not clouds on the sun.
Who is Maria Mitchell.
Hawaii was formed by many ________.
What is by volcanoes.
During a roller coaster ride you are kept in your seat on a upside down loop by this.
What is gravity.
Defined as the downward movement of soil on a slope under the force of gravity. An example of this was in Tully Valley, New York.
What is a landslide.
It is in our solar system and is made up of gases and can't be looked at directly because it can hurt our eyes. It is not a planet.
What is the Sun.
He was the first person to walk on the moon.
Who is Neil Armstrong.
The first American woman astronaut.
Who is Sally Ride.
Things that are attracted to a magnet probably are made up of what type of metal?
What is iron, steel, or brass.
Name 2 landforms that were discussed in this unit.
What is a lake, mountain, valley, canyon, coast line, sand dune, hills, and prairie or grassland.
Name 3 reasons the Sun is important to us.
What is it provides light and heat, it heats the air which causes the water cycle, it controls when it is day and night, it controls when seasons occur, and it is a natural resource.
He was credited with coming up with the Polio vaccine that kept people from getting Polio, a disease of the spinal cord.
Who is Jonas Salk.
In the solar system this planet is the fourth planet from Venus.
What is Saturn.
We make or use a budget for this.
What is to show what we spend, save, and donate with our money.
This is a sudden burst of motion along a fault line (where two of Earth's plates meet) that relieves the pressure or stress but causes shaking.
What is an earthquake.
This is why the radiometer spins in the sun.
What is the heat from the sun makes the black vane heat up which makes the air molecules put a little pressure on the black vane which then makes it spin.
He helped desegregate schools in Texas and worked to help Mexican Americans get equal rights.
Who is Dr. Hector Garcia.
This is a person who studies volcanoes.
Who is a volcanologist.
The Earth is an example of a giant one of these.
What is a magnet.
A landform that is surrounded by water. Give a state that is an example of this landform.
What is an island, Hawaii.
NASA stands for what?
What is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
She was a nurse and the founder of the American Red Cross.
Who is Clara Barton.
This happens when there is not enough water or rain in the Aquifer or water table. Trees, crops, and other plants die and livestock or other wildlife may also die.
What is a drought.