how many penisulas are there
what is the third planet from the sun
how do Earthquakes happen
Earthquakes are ground movements that occur when blocks of rocks in the Earth move suddenly and release energy
the wave could be taller than blank meters
The real Charlemagne ( a French name meaning " .")
Charles the Great
what does landmass mean
a large area of land
what does erosion mean
the process by wind, water, ice, or gravity transports soil and sediment from one location to another
what is a fault
A fault is a break in Earth's crust along which blocks of rock move.
A tsunami could happen when a blank happens
Who made the song of Roland
what does nobility mean
the term referring to the leaders of medievel society
how many planets are there
what are the three boundaries
Divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries
as the waves hit the shoreline, do they decrease or increase
who was Charlemagne
Charlemagne was a leader of the kingdom of the franks.
what does duchy mean
lands ruled by a duke
what is the fourth planet from the sun
what is another natural disaster that comes with an Earthquake if the Earthquake happens under the sea
you should go up high or down low when a tsunami comes?
up high
what color hair did Charlemagne have?
what word means "rebirth"
what is a barrier island
a long ridge of sand or narrow island that lies parallel to the shore
what is a tectonic plate boundary
It's where 2 or more tectonic plates meet
A tsunami is as fast as a blank?