Use the Force (of gravity)
Space Odyssey
Day and Night
Western Expansion
Slaves and Masters

Gravity is a force that does this...

What is pull?


This form of energy is what makes stars emit light.

What is heat?


This is what causes day and night.

what is Earth's rotation?


The Louisiana Purchase was sold at a bargain price, because of this European Emperor's desire for war. 

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


This term was used to describe anyone who was against slavery and supported civil rights for African-Americans. 

What is an abolitionist?


Earths gravitational force pulls towards this location.

What is to the center of the Earth. 


This unit of measurement is used to measure the distance of objects in space.

What is a light year?


These are the names of each time zone in the United States. 

What are Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaskan, Hawaii-Aleutian?


Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law in the 1830s, it led to this devastating event for Native Americans. 

What is the Trail of Tears? 


These two West Point graduates and friends would later become bitter rivals during the Civil War. 

Who are Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee?



The streak of light that a chunk of rock falling from space toward Earth produces is known as this.

What is a meteor?


 This unit of measurement describes how bright a star looks from Earth.

What is Apparent Brightness?


This time zone is furthest to the west out of any US State

What is the Hawaii-Aleutian Time zone?


The Northwest-Territory (NOT the Louisiana Purchase) included land that is now these six US States.

What are Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota?


invented by Eli Whitney, this technology made the harvesting of cotton easier and also expanded and strengthened the slave trade. 

What is the Cotton Gin? 


compare how the moon's gravity and the gravity of a large planet like Jupiter, would affect an astronauts weight. 

Moon (smaller planet/moon)- less weight 

Jupiter (larger planet/moon)- more weight


DAILY DOUBLE: This is the approximate duration of time it takes for sunlight to reach Earth. 

What is about 8 minutes?


This is the number of time-zones in the entire world.

What is 24?


Jose Antonio Navarro was a citizen of these four countries, despite never leaving his place of birth 

What is Spain, Mexico, Texas, and the United States? 



This term was used to describe Sharks that instinctively followed ships carrying slaves. 

What are "greedy robbers"?


A curved path that an object makes around another object is known as this.

What is orbit?


When looking at the night sky, one may look upon the star Betelgeuse. We see its light from this many (light) years ago. 

what is 642 light years?


President James K. Polk was responsible for acquiring lots of territory for the United States. Name at least three.  

What are Oregon ( Pronounced aw-ruh-gn), Texas, and California?  


(DAILY DOUBLE) This man led the Haitian Revolution, the only successful slave revolt in human history. 

Who is T'ouissant L'Ouverture