Interpret the data
Predict the trend
Draw a conclusion

At what pH did the plant have the most optimal growth?

pH of 6.6-6.8


What do you predict the Texas Robin population will be in 2020?

about 19,500 robins


What can you conclude about the table?

As the temperature increases, heart rate increases.


Netflix claims to be dominating the streaming market in India by a huge margin.

Is this claim valid? Justify your answer.

No, Netflix has a 20% streaming rate tied with Amazon Prime also at 20%.


At what day do we start to see a rapid decline in the number of parasites?

Day 16


At 25 minutes, how many floating disks are present?

about 12-13 disks


What can you conclude about General Motors sales of electric vehicles? Justify your answer.

Electric vehicle sales have increase in the last two years (2020-2021).  In 2021 they sold 516,634 units.


Bobby claims that watering plants will lead to the largest growth in plants.  Erica claims that adding fertilizer to the water will make a larger impact.

Who is accurate? Justify your answer.

Erica's claim is supported by the data.  On the 5th day the plants with fertilizer grew to 3.8cm compared to the plants with just water at 2.6cm.


On what day did the patient likely start taking medicine to kill the parasites?

Day 14


What do you predict will happen to landline phones in 2023?

They will continue to decrease


In baseball, injuries to the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees are common. 

Using the data, what can you conclude about injuries for pitchers? Justify your answer

Pitchers have high elbow and shoulder injuries. Elbow injuries have been the highest since 2000. Shoulder injuries have fluctuated, but declined since 2010. 


China claims to have the highest owning rate compared to all other countries.

Is this statement accurate? Why or why not?

No this statement is inaccurate because Russia has the highest owning rate at 87%.


Which QB had the most interceptions in 2008?

Matt Hasselback


What do you predict plant growth will be on day 10 if the trend continues?

about 12.5 cm


What can you conclude about digital media in the world compared to the United States in 2025? Justify your answer using quantitative data.

The world had more digital media sales at 45% compared to the United States at 43%.


Saudi Arabia is moving to mostly online higher education presence.  They claim that this is the future, and will be happening all over the world. 

Based on the survey data is this statement valid? Justify your answer.

This statement is not supported.  Every other country has about double or more people split between online and in-person over entirely online learning.


What 3 companies, besides facebook, have high facebook social media presence?

Whatsapp, messenger, and instagram


Fertilizer companies want to find the most optimal combination for aquatic plant growth.  If the trend continues, what would you expect aquatic plant growth to be for Co-op Easy Green and Aquion Plant Food fertilizers to be on day 9?

Co-op Easy Green= 6.75 inches

Aquion Plant Food= 5.5 inches


Searching your symptoms online has become the new form of "doctor" for the modern world.  WebMD, Wikipedia, and other medical sites have seen higher visits over the last 10 years.

Using the graphic, support the conclusion.

In every country, except Germany, from 2011 to 2021 there has been a substantial increase in the use of google for health related information.


Electric cars have become all the rage for many companies, but Tesla is leading the way at this time. Tesla claims that electric cars sales have surpassed gas vehicles across the world.

Does the data support this claim?  Justify your answer

No, electric vehicles are selling but not more than normal gas vehicles.  Data shows that, at its highest (KR), electric vehicles are selling at 40%.