Earth and Space

Jillian filled four 150 mL beakers with water. She added a different material to each beaker and stirred it 10 times. From her list below, which substances will NOT dissolve in the beaker?

Select THREE correct answers.

1. Sugar

2. Cooking Oil

3. Iron Fillings

4. Salt

5. Sand

2. Cooking Oil

3. Iron Fillings

5. Sand


Billy and Tom are pulling on a car in opposite directions with equal force. What will happen to the car?

A. The car will move toward Billy.

B. The car will stay in the same place.

C. The car will fly in the air.

D. The car will move toward Tom.


B. The car will stay in the same place.


Which of the following cities in Texas can expect to be affected by the cold front during the next 24 hours?


A. Midland

B. Austin

C. New Orleans

D. Little Rock

B. Austin


Based on the picture, which layer is the oldest?



A desert food web is shown.   

 How many carnivores are represented in the desert food web? 

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5


D. 5


A teacher mixes a white powder into a beaker of water. The powder cannot be seen in the water. The teacher then heats the mixture until the water evaporates and the powder can be seen again. Which property of the powder is the teacher demonstrating? 

A. Magnetism

B. Solubility

C. Conductivity

D. Mass

B. Solubility 


Select the correct answer.

Which light ray below represents the light reflecting on the glass window?



Which prehistoric event led to the formation of oil?

A. pressure from rock layers forming fossils

B. melting and cooling of igneous rocks

C. rapid growth of underground bacteria

D. death and burial of microscopic sea life

D. death and burial of microscopic sea life


Fossil fuels are formed over millions of years. Heat, pressure, and time are required for the formation of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have energy from organisms that were present millions of years ago. Where did the energy originate?

The Sun



Which of the following statements describe a nonliving element interacting with another nonliving element in an ecosystem?

Select TWO correct answers.

A. An earthquake shaking the ground in a neighborhood.

B. A deer drinking from a pond.

C. A snake killing a mouse.

D. A dog walking on the sidewalk.

E. Rocks settling to the bottom of a river

A and E


A student puts five objects in a bucket of water. A metal paper clip, glass marble, rock, wood block, and plastic ball are placed one at a time in the bucket. Which objects are more dense than the water?

Select THREE correct answers.

1. Metal Paper Clip

2. Glass Marble

3. Rock

4. Wood Block

5. Plastic Ball

1. Metal Paper clip

2. Glass Marble

3. Rock


Elijah went to watch a baseball game with his family. When a player came up to bat, he hit a homerun. What kinds of energy did Elijah encounter when the batter hit the homerun?

Select two correct answers.


A. Mechanical energy when the ball flew in the air.

B. Thermal energy as the ball flew in the air.

C. Sound energy as the bat hit the ball.

D. Electrical energy when the bat hit the ball.

E. Light energy when the bat hit the ball.

A and C


Archeologists were digging for fossils in the deserts of West Texas. Fern fossils were found during the dig. One of the fern fossils is pictured below.

The finding of the fern fossils suggests the desert of West Texas was once _______.

A. covered by ocean

B. a forest

C. covered with ice and snow

D. part of a volcanic eruption

B. A Forest


Which of these was the major reason that this canyon was formed?

A. movement of wind

B. underground hot springs

C. movement of water
D. movement of ice

C. Movement of Water


The food web shown is made up of organisms that live in a forest. Which change would most likely occur if all the producers in this ecosystem were removed? (5.9B)

A. The mice would become the new producers.

B. All the animals would either die or move away.

C. The number of mice would increase.

D. All the animal populations would increase.

B. All the animals would either die or move away.


Which of these items is a good conductor of BOTH heat and electricity?

Select THREE correct answers.

1. Aluminum Foil

2. Copper Penny

3. Wool Coat

4. Metal Pot

1. Aluminum Foil

2. Copper Penny

4. Metal Pot


Sam is building a circuit board that will show how electrical energy can be transformed into light energy. Which materials does Sam need to build the circuit that will demonstrate this transformation of energy?

A. switch, bulb, nail, copper wire, tape

B. switch, string, battery, bulb, nail

C. battery, switch, copper wire, string, tape

D. copper wire, battery, bulb, magnet, nail


Which of the following is responsible for the daily cycle of night and day?

A. The Moon's Rotation

B. The Moon's Revolution

C. The Earth's Rotation

D. The Earth's Revolution

C. The Earth's Rotation


Layer 3 contains many fish and small mollusk fossils. Layer 3 most likely formed in which of these environments?

A. Desert

B. Ocean

C. Forest

D. Tundra

B. Ocean


 This food web represents organisms in a field. What role do raccoons play in this food web? (5.9B)







Which set of procedures would be best to follow when separating a mixture of sand, salt, and water?



A student is experimenting with circuits.

If the student closes switches 1 and 3, but opens switch 2, which bulbs will still be lit? 

A. White and yellow

B. Blue and white

C. Red, white, and yellow

D. Blue and yellow



Which statement best compares the length of Earth’s rotation to the length of Earth’s revolution?

A. Rotation is equal to 28 days, and revolution is equal to 365 days.

B. Rotation is equal to 365 days, and revolution is equal to 28 days.

C. Rotation is equal to 24 hours, and revolution is equal to 365 days.

D. Rotation is equal to 28 days, and revolution is equal to 24 hours.

C. Rotation is equal to 24 hours, and revolution is equal to 365 days.


A three-step process is shown. 

Which of these are most likely formed by the process shown?

A. Glaciers 

B. Mountains 

C. Sand dunes

D. Sedimentary rocks

D. Sedimentary Rocks


The diets of several types of prairie animals are described in the table. Which of the following prairie food chains is in the correct order? (5.9B)
