Electrical Energy
Seasons & Moon Phases
Water Cycle
Weather vs. Climate
Natural Resources

What is a closed path that electrical energy travels called?



What are the four seasons on Earth?

spring, summer, fall (autumn), and winter


What is the process called when water vapor turns into liquid water?



What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather is the conditions at a specific place and time. It includes temperature, humidity, air pressure, and precipitation.

Climate is the average weather in a region over a long period, like 30 years or more.


Name a renewable natural resource.

sunlight, air, water, plants & animals


What are two types of energy that electrical energy can produce?

light energy and thermal energy (heat)


How long does it take the moon to complete one orbit around Earth?

about 28 days


Name the major source of energy that drives the water cycle.

the sun


Give an example of weather.

(any description that includes the temperature, humidity, precipitation, etc at a specific time and in a specific place)


What is a nonrenewable natural resource?

fossil fuels, metals, minerals


Describe the difference between an open path and a closed path when discussing circuits and electrical energy.

A closed path is complete and allows energy to travel. An open path is not complete and does not allow energy flow.


What are the two things responsible for Earth's seasons?

Earth's orbit around the Sun and Earth's tilted axis


What is the process called when liquid water becomes water vapor due to heat from the sun?



What factors affect climate?

Distance from the equator, elevation, landforms, and bodies of water.


What are some advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources?

advantages: usually produce less pollution than fossil fuels; will not run out

disadvantages: usefulness changes based on weather; can be expensive to build or manage


What is an example of an electric circuit in your home or classroom?

room lighting - turning the switch on creates a closed path

a heater or toaster - these convert electrical energy to heat 


What are the four moon phases we discussed in class?

new moon, full moon, first quarter, last quarter (or third quarter)


How does water move on the surface of the Earth?

precipitation collects on the Earth's surface and runoff moves it from higher areas into lakes, oceans, and rivers


What is a climate zone? Give an example.

A climate zone is an area that has similar average temperatures and precipitation throughout.

polar, dry, tropical


What are some advantages and disadvantages of nonrenewable energy resources?

advantages: generally cost-effective; easy to find and transport

disadvantages: produce pollution; will run out


What type of material allows electricity to flow through it in a circuit?

a conductor


Why does the moon look like it changes shape?

As the moon orbits Earth, sunlight hits it from different angles causing it to appear to change shape


What is precipitation and what forms does it come in?

Precipitation is water falling from clouds. It can fall as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.


Give an example of climate.

the usual conditions of a place

average weather over 30+ years

temperature increase over 30+ years


How do rocks help store natural resources?

Rocks help store natural resources, like fossil fuels and water, deep inside the Earth.