Properties of Matter
Earth Science

A student moved a substance from one beaker to another and observed. The substance seemed to take the shape of the container, though the volume never changed at all. What state of matter is she observing? 

Liquid: changes shape by not volume. 


In an experiment scientists should only change one __________ and the rest need to stay ___________.

In an experiment scientists should only change one VARIABLE and the rest need to stay CONTROLLED.


Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be __________________ or ______________.



A ______________ circuit powers only one _______ (such as a light bulb)

A SIMPLE circuit powers only one LOAD (such as a light bulb)


List the five steps of the sedimentary rock formation process. 

1. Weathering

2. Erosion

3. Deposition

4. Compaction

5. Cementation


Which of the following is not a change in state of matter?

a. bread developing moldy spots

b. Ice cream in a cone melting to the sidewalk 

c. A liquid popsicle put in the freezer for a day

d. Steam over a hot soup turning into water droplets on the top of its container

a. solid to solid (so no change in state of matter!)

b. solid to liquid 

c. liquid to solid

d. gas to liquid


List three scientific tools that are used to keep scientists safe. 

Gloves, Goggles, Apron/Lab coat 


A student camping rubs sticks together to create a fire. What energy transformation is being used here? 

Mechanical energy (from the friction) creates thermal energy 


A strand of Christmas lights, using conductive wires, is fully connected from the outlet, to the loads and back to the power source. One light bulb was dropped and the filament is now broken, but the rest of the lights are still on! We must be observing a ____________ circuit and we know this because ____________________. 

We must be observing a PARALLEL circuit and we know this because ONE LIGHT BULB IS OFF BUT THERE ARE ALTERNATIVE PATHS FOR THE OTHER BULBS.


The canyon landform develops after years of a ____________, ________________ and ______________ away the _____________.

The canyon landform develops after years of a RIVER, WEATHERING and ERODING away the SEDIMENTS.


A student poured a red liquid into a blue liquid and stirred for three minutes. He waited and then saw that all of the blue liquid was sinking to the bottom of the beaker. This tells us that the red liquid is not __________ and is _________ dense.

This tells us that the red liquid is not SOLUBLE and is LESS dense.


Scientists need to perform ______ trials to make sure the results are __________.

Scientists need to perform THREE trials to make sure the results are VALID.


What energy transformation is involved when charging and using a cellphone? 



_______________ is the bending of light as the light _____________________________.

REFRACTION is the bending of light as the light PASSES FROM ONE MEDIUM TO ANOTHER.


When observing a valley that is carved out in the shape of a "u" a scientist could make what conclusion about its formation?

The U-shaped valley was probably formed from the sliding of a GLACIER 


A scientist has gathered these four items: sugar, pebbles, paper clips and water and mixed them in a beaker. How could he separate these in just three steps?

1. Magnet separates the paper clips out

2. Strainer separates the pebbles out

3. Evaporation separates sugar from water

*BONUS* what is a scientific name for the concoction that the scientist started with? 


A student is needing to measure a metamorphic rock, that is oddly-shaped. What scientific tool could she use to measure the rocks volume, mass and force? 

Graduated Cylinders or Beakers measure volume

Triple Beam balances or pan balances measure mass 

Spring scale measures force. 


Mechanical energy is the energy of 

1. ______________ (_______________) and 

2. _____________ (______________).




cameras, eyeglasses, microscopes, telescopes, hand lens, contact lenses, binoculars, video cameras, etc ALL __________ or ________ light

REFRACT or BEND light 


When we find a mold fossil in a rock, why do we just get to observe the impression, and not the actual animal itself? 

The animal has DECAYED after the sedimentary rock was formed, leaving only a mold. 


Name a substances that would be considered an insulator of electricity but a conductor of heat.

GLASS insulates electricity but conducts heat. 


A student purchases three of the same cactus and three of the same pots. Each cactus gets the same amount of water and soil. Monday - Friday the student gives each cactus 1 cup of water each morning. The materials the student is using includes three cups of water, all at different temperatures and she uses a ruler. What variable is the student testing and what will she measure?

Testing: temperature of water on cactus

Measuring: Cactus height


______________ energy could be observed on Mars while ______________ energy could not because of the lack of a medium in space. 

LIGHT energy could be observed on Mars while SOUND energy could not because of the lack of a medium in space.


When a circuit is not working, scientist check to make sure the battery is working, the wires are connected to the loads and the battery, the loads are working and the switch is in the on position. What else could they check for if a circuit doesn't seem to be working? 

-The wire is touching the positive and negative end of the battery

-The wire is a conductor

-The wire has no breaks or cuts

-The wire is touching the metal parts of the load 

-There are no resistors in the circuit



Petroleum is formed when dead _________ and __________ are buried by ____________ and undergo ____________ and _____________ for _____________ of years.

Petroleum is formed when dead PLANTS and ANIMALS are buried by SEDIMENT and undergo of HEAT and PRESSURE for MILLIONS of years.