3.5C: Changes in
5.5A: Classifying Matter
5.5B: Mixtures
5.5C: Solutions

What are the 3 states of matter?

Solid, liquid, gas


What would happen if you dropped a marble into a cup of water?

The marble would sink to the bottom because it is more dense.


What is a mixture? Give an example.

A mixture is a combination of materials that can be easily separated. Examples: cereal, fruit salad, trail mix, salad, colored beads, blocks, etc.


What is a solution? Give an example.

A solution is a combination of materials that cannot be easily separated. Examples: salt water, kool-aid, coffee, soda, syrup, soap, etc.


Sink or Float?

Rubber eraser

Wooden toothpick

Glass marble

Plastic toy

Rubber eraser - sink

Wooden toothpick - float

Glass marble - sink

Plastic toy - float


Which state of matter has a definite shape and particles that stay close together?



Why does oil float on top of water? What is an object that can float on top of oil?

Oil floats on water because it is less dense than water. An object that is less dense than oil could be a ping-pong ball that is full of air.


If you accidentally drop woodchips into water, how could you separate that mixture?

The woodchips will float to the top of the water because of relative density, then you can scoop them out. Filter or screen method is possible, but unnecessary. 


What happens when a small amount of sand and salt mixes with water?

The sand sinks to the bottom because it is more dense than the water. 

The salt dissolves in the water to form a new substance called saltwater.


Which objects are good insulators?

Cotton towel

Iron nail


Aluminum foil 

Cotton towel



Which state of matter takes the shape of its container?



Which objects are considered conductors? How do you know?

iron nail

cotton shirt

copper wire

wooden bead

The iron nail and copper wire are both conductors because they are made of metal and metal is a conductor of electricity and thermal energy.


A student has a beaker of gravel and water. Which method is the best for separating the gravel and water?

You can put the gravel and water through a screen, filter, or pick out gravel with hands/tweezers.


Why should you follow powder drink recipes when mixing with water? 

The recipe shows you how much powder to water ratio you need in order to make the drink taste good. Too much powder or not enough water will change the taste.


True or False: All solutions are considered mixtures.


What types of changes happen when you make ice cubes and then add the ice cubes to a warm drink? You must have the states of matter and scientific changes in your answer.

When you take liquid water and place it in a freezer, you are creating solid ice through freezing. When you take the solid ice and place it in warm water, the ice begins to melt back into liquid. The ice can also cause condensation on the glass.


Name all the physical properties that these two objects have:

Glass window

Cooking pot

Glass window: solid, breakable, non-magnetic, does not conduct electricity or thermal energy, transparent, sinks in water or more dense, does not dissolve in water or insoluble.

Cooking pot: solid, not breakable, magnetic, conducts electricity and thermal energy, opaque, sinks in water or more dense, does not dissolve in water or insoluble.


Explain the process of separating salt from water. 



I mixed two different powders into two different cups of water. The first powder turned the water blue and I could still see through the glass. The second powder turned the water milky white and I could not see through the glass. What is the difference between the two mixed drinks?

The first mixed drink is most likely a soft drink powder like kool-aid and is a solution. The powder dissolved.

The second mixed drink is most likely a flour or powder that cannot be mixed with the water. It did not dissolve.


After swimming all day, you place your bathing suit outside. Two hours pass by and you notice your suit is already dry. How did this happen?

The water in the bathing suit evaporated from the hot sun outside.


What types of changes happen when you boil water on the stove? You must have the states of matter and scientific changes in your answer.

When you take liquid water and boil it in a pot on the stove, the boiling water evaporates and turns to steam or gas. 


What is the difference between a soluble material and insoluble material? Hint: think about salt

Soluble means the substance dissolves in water and the solution is clear. (saltwater or kool-aid)

Insoluble means the substance does not dissolve in water and the solution in cloudy. (flour and water or sand and water)


Explain the processes of separating the following mixture:



Foam packing peanuts

Steel screws

You should first use a magnet to separate any steel screws. Then you can use your hands or tweezers to separate the foam packing peanuts since they are less dense than water and will float on top. Lastly, you can filter out the gravel using a filter.


Define concentration

Concentration is the amount of material (solute) dissolved in a certain amount of liquid (solvent).


What does the word dilute mean?

When something is diluted, it is less concentrated. For example, a drink with less powder mixed in can taste weak and look lighter in color.