What is the study of the stars, planets and heavenly bodies called?
What is a star system containing from million to billions of stars?
What are the stars that outline an imaginary picture in the sky called?s
What is the most familiar group of stars in the southern sky?
Southern Cross
What are tremendous bursts of energy caused by sudden changes in the sun’s magnetic field?
Solar flares
What is an area containing no air or any other matter called?
What are large clouds of gas and space dust?
What is another name for the North Star?
Polaris “the Pole Star”
What is the hot central part of the sun?
What is the average temperature in deep space?
-250* F
What are the names of the scientists who study outer space?
What is the name of the cluster of about 40 galaxies that the Milky Way belongs to?
Local Group
What is the brightest star in the night sky?
What is the star that is often confused with the planet Mars because of its brightness and reddish colour?
What is the imaginary line that stretches from pole to pole called?
The axis rotation
What is the name of the force that resists motion?
What are the three basic types of galactic shapes?
Spiral, elliptical, and irregular
What is the brightest star in the constellation Perseus called?
What is the violent explosion of a star called?
What is a spiral galaxy in which the spiral arms are attached to a straight bar that runs through the centre of the galaxy?
Barred spiral
What would be the two main reasons an astronaut wears a spacesuit?
Provides oxygen, protects from extreme temperatures
What is the most distant object that can be seen with the naked eye?
Andromeda galaxy
What are the two stars in the Big Dipper that direct us to the North Star?
What is the sun's visible surface
What is the hottest region of the sun’s atmosphere?