Map/Map Scale
What is a model of an area of the Earth's surface? What is the ratio of a distance represented on a map?
Oblique View
What is the more natural way of viewing things, as if from a hilltop?
Map Projection
Gnomonic Projection
What is the simplest type of projection, involves a flat plane touching the globe at a point; shows shortest distance between two points, since the great circle forms straight lines? (Often used for maps of the polar regions.)
Geographic Information System
What is a aviation maps & maps of the ocean?What is mapmakers?
Political Map
Cylindrical Projection
What is the type of projection that "wraps" around the great circle of the planet? (Forms a 2D map.)
sea clock
used for calculating longitude
Globe/Cardinal Directions
What is a kind of map that show's the earth's surface as if from space? What is north, south, east, west?
What is any line on a map that is parallel to the Equator? What is a line on a map that is perpendicular to the Equator?
Topographic Map
What is a map that displays education and landform information?
Conic Projection
What is the type of projection when the projection surface touches the globe along a small circle? (Used for middle-latitudes of the world.)
calculate longitude
Who is someone who does geometry?
Large Scale/Small Scale
What is a small area that appears big and in detail? What is a large area appearing small and with little detail?
Geographic Maps
What is a map that focuses on names, symbols, & locations of manmade & natural features; highways, streams, lakes, coastline, and oceans?
The Robinson Map
accurately shows the depths of continents
Geographic Coordinates
The latitude and longitude used to locate a point on the Earth's surface?
Thematic Maps
What is a map that has a theme or a unifying idea with plotting data?
Uses Satellite to map out large areas
Remote Sensing