Chemistry 2
Physics 2

In which of the following options, the various stages in the development of a silk moth, has been correctly arranged? 

A) Egg --> Caterpillar --> Silk Moth --> Pupa

B) Caterpillar --> Pupa --> Silk Moth -->Egg

C) Egg --> Caterpillar --> Pupa --> Silk Moth

D) None of the above

C) Egg --> Caterpillar --> Pupa --> Silk Moth !


Filtration as a method of separation can be used for mixtures that are:

A) Homogenous and liquid-in-gas mixtures

B) Heterogenous and liquid-in-liquid mixtures

C) Homogenous and solid-in-gas mixtures

D) Heterogenous and solid-in-liquid mixtures

D) Heterogenous and solid-in-liquid mixtures !


Which one of the following is incorrect about non-metals?

A) High electronegativity 

B) Dull and Brittle

C) Forms Acidic oxides

D) Generally good conductors

E) None of the above

B) Dull and Brittle !


At same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain the same number of....

Molecules ! 


Who was the first pre-socratic philosopher to suggest that matter could neither be created nor destroyed?



Which of the following is true about prokaryotic cell?

A) They lack DNA

B) They lack chromosomes

C) They have no nucleus

D) Both B & C

E) None of the above

D) Both B & C !

- They lack chromosomes

- They have no nucleus


The temperature at which no more energy can be removed from matter is called....

Absolute zero!


1 mole of atom can represented as? 

A) 6.022 x 1023 atoms

B) 6.022 x 1023 molecules

C) 6.022 x 1023 electrons

D) 6.022 x 1021 atoms

E) None of the above

A) 6.022 x 1023 atoms !


Which of the following represents a combination of Boyle's Law and Charle's Law?

T1P1/V= T2P2/V2


The speed of electromagnetic waves in air is....

3 x 108 km/s


Introducing a woman, Shashank said, “She is the mother of the daughter of my son”. How is the woman related to Shashank?

A) Daughter

B) Sister-in-law

C) Wife

D) Daughter-in-law

D) Daughter-in-law


The compressibility factor of N2 at 330 K and 800 atm is 1.90 and at 570K and 200 atm is 1.10. A certain mass of N2 occupies a volume of 1 dm3 at 330 K and 800 atm. Calculate the volume of N2 gas at 570 K and 200 atm.

4L !


A toy car is moving with a uniform velocity 10 m/s and having a mass of 30kg. The kinetic energy possessed by the toy car is?....

1500 J !


A mixture of NH3(g) and N2H4 (g) is placed in a sealed container at 300 K. The total pressure is 0.5 atm. The container is heated to 1200 K, at which time both substances decompose completely according to the equations 2NH3

2NH3(g)-->N2(g) +3H2(g)

and N2H4(g)--> N2(g) + 2H2(g)

After decomposition is complete, the total pressure at 1200 K is found to be 4.5 atm. Find the amount percent of N2H4 (g) in the original mixture.

(A) 12.38 %

(B) 19.95 %

(C) 25.00 %

(D) 38.00 %

(E) None of these

(C) 25.00 % !


A balloon has gained 2500 electrons after being rubbed with wool. What is the charge on the balloon? What is the charge on the wool?



What is the role of cholesterol in membranes?

(Hint...IB Biology...Lesson 1.4...)

Reduces membrane fluidity and permeability to some solutes !


Which of the following statements about the following statements about the given reaction are not correct?

Fe2O+ 3CO --> 2Fe + 3CO2

I. Fe2Ois getting oxidised to Fe

II. Fe2Ois acting as a reducing reagent 

III. CO is acting as a reducing reagent 

IV. CO is getting reduced to CO2

A) III only

B) I, II, and IV

C) II and IV

D) I and III

B) I, II, and IV !


The distance between a north pole of strength 6 x 10-3 Am and south pole of strength 8 × 10-3 Am is 10 cm. The poles are separated in air. The force between them:



The hardest type of coal, consisting of nearly pure carbon is?

A) Lignite

B) Bituminious

C) Sub-Bituminious

D) Anthracite

E) None of the above

D) Anthracite !


For this problem, you launch the basketball from the point that is 2 meters above the ground and 4 meters from the backboard as shown. You attempt to make a shot by hitting the basketball off the backboard as depicted above. What is the minimum initial speed required for the ball to make this shot?

7.19 m/s !


Nucleotides are composed of
A. A phosphate group, a 6-carbon sugar, and an organic N-containing base
B. A phosphate group, a 5-carbon sugar, and an organic P-containing base
C. A phosphate group, a 5-carbon sugar, and an organic N-containing base
D. A nitrate group, a 5-carbon sugar, and an organic N-containing base
E. A 5-carbon sugar and an organic N-containing base

C. A phosphate group, a 5-carbon sugar, and an organic N-containing base !


Which of thee following species does not involve tetrahedral structure? 

A) SO42-

B) SF4

C) SeO42-

D) SO2Cl2

E) None of the above

A) SO42- !


You now wish to practice closer shots. You walk up until you’re 1 m away from the backboard (the 4 m changes to a 1 m). You jump 1 m in the air. What is the minimum initial speed of the ball that allows you to score off of the backboard if you release the ball at the top of your jump? Note that scoring off the backboard means that the ball bounces off the backboard and into the net. Do not consider cases where the ball bounces off of the rim or the protrusion. That’s just luck and you want a consistent strategy.

BIG Hint... 

(r cos θ) tan 2θ = d + r sin θ

3.27 m/s


The bond enthalpies of H–H and Cl–Cl are 430 and 242 kJ mol–1. If *delta*f H(HCl) is – 91 kJ mol–1 then the bond enthalpy of HCl would be

(A) – 214 kJ mol–1 

(B) – 427 kJ mol–1

(C) 214 kJ mol–1

(D) 427 kJ mol–1

(E) None of these

(D) 427 kJ mol–1 !


A plumb line is hanging from the ceiling of a train. If the train moves along a horizontal track with a uniform acceleration a, the plumb line gets inclined to the vertical at an angle.

A) tan-1(a/g)

B) tan-1(g/a)

C) sin-1(a/g)

D) cos-1(g/a)

E) None of these

A) tan-1(a/g) !