Blast Off
Link In Biology
Down to Earth
Liar Liar Pants On Fire

He's more than just a Queen lyric, he was also an astronomer who argued that the Earth revolved around the sun.

Who is Galileo


The human body's largest internal organ (by weight)

What is the Liver


We share about 50% of our genes with which fruit?

What is Banana


The Hardest Metal On Earth

What is Diamond


The Color Blood is when it's still inside your body

What is Red


How many planets are there in our solar system

What is 8


Only about half the population contains these, the largest cell in the human body - it's visible to the naked eye

What is An ovum, or the egg released from the ovary each month.


The loudest animal on Earth

What is a Sperm Whale. It has been measured at over 230 decibels


We see the sky as blue, but in actuality it's really.....

What is Purple


If you have a cold which of the following should you avoid

A. Dairy

B. Orange Juice

C. Hot Toddies

B. Orange Juice


If you look up at the night sky and find three stars together in a straight line, you're looking at which constellation?

What is Orion's Belt


Humans are the only species known to do this

What is Blush


A vestigial organ is a part of the body that no longer serves any purpose, as we've evolved beyond the need of it. Name on vestigial organ.

Wisdom teeth, appendix, tonsils, sinuses, and the coccyx or your tail.


What is the deepest place on Earth?

The Mariana Trench. It's 35,876 ft deep


The percent of our brain that we use

What is 100%


What is the name of the famous comet that passes by the Earth every 76 years?

What is Halley's Comet


Which part of the human body has the most bones

What are the hands with 27 bones each


Mammals don't lay eggs except for these two species. Name one of them

The Platypus and the Echidna

The largest earthquake ever measured was a 9.5, which happened in 1960 in this country

What is Chile


Which of these widespread myths is actually true?         A. Your hair and fingernails keep growing when you die B. All bananas sold are clones C. A watermelon seed can grow in your stomach D. Bulls hate the color red

B. All bananas sold are clones