Rocks & Minerals
Rocks & Minerals

When two objects are rubbed together they produce heat. This is called ____________________.

What is friction?


The biggest heat source for our planet is the ______________________.

What is sun?


Which of these would be the best question to determine whether a specimen is a rock or mineral?

a. What color is it?

b. How heavy is it?

c. Is it made of only one material?

d. How old is this specimen?

c. What is, is it made of only one material?


According to the scale in the photo, which mineral will scratch Calcite but not Apatite?

a. Fluorite

b. Talc

c. Diamond

d. Topaz

a. What is Fluorite


______________ are materials that STOP the flow of heat or thermal energy.

Conductors  or  Insulators

What is insulators 


If you touched a basketball and it felt hot, which would be the best question to ask to determine the heat source?

a. Was the basketball sitting in the direct sunlight?

b. What color is the basketball?

c. How much air does the ball have?

d. Has this basketball ever been played with?

a. What is, Was the basketball sitting in the direct sunlight?


Which of these is NOT a source of heat?

a. The sun

b. Friction

c. Gloves

d. Electricity

c. What is gloves


Which of these is NOT an attribute of minerals?

a. Color

b. Luster

c. Shape

d. Hardness

c. What is Shape 

Shang has a mystery mineral. He was able to scratch the mineral with a knife, but not a copper coin. Which two minerals could he possibly have?

a. Gypsum and Fluorite

b. Fluorite and Apatite

c. Topaz and Quartz

d. Apatite and Feldspar

b. What is Fluorite and Apatite


___________________ are materials that ALLOW heat to move easily through them.

Conductors   o r   Insulators

What is conductors 


If you had the choice between sitting on a yellow park bench or a black park bench on a hot summer day, which would you choose and why?

a. The yellow bench because it is my favorite color.

b. The black bench because it will be cooler in the sun.

c. The yellow bench because light colors attract less heat.

d. The black bench because dark colors attract more heat.

What is the yellow bench because light colors attract less heat


You conducted an experiment and measured the temperatures of different objects on your front porch. After 30 minutes in the sun, you measure that the metal table is 100 degrees and the wooden bench is 89 degrees. Which of these would be a better place to set down a bowl of ice cream?

a. The wooden bench, because it did not get hot at all

b. The wooden bench, because it did not allow heat to move as easily.

c. The metal table, because it did not allow heat to move as easily.

d. The metal table, because it can cool off quickly.

b. What is the wooden bench, because it did not allow heat to move as easily.


Which of these would be the best question to ask to determine the hardness of a mineral?

a. Can this mineral be scratched by Quartz? 

b. If I drop the mineral, will it break?

c. If I hit the mineral with a hammer, will it be damaged?

d. Will this mineral scratch my finger?

a. What is can this mineral be scratched by Quartz?


Which mineral is metallic, has a black streak, and a reddish brown color?

a. Mica

b. Feldspar

c. Pyrite

d. Calcite

c. What is Pyrite 


Which type of rock is formed from cooled lava or magma?

a. Sedimentary

b. Metamorphic

c. Igneous

d. Fossil

c. What is Igneous


What is the meaning of temperature?

a. The amount of water in a container.

b. The size of a shadow.

c. The measure of how cold or hot something is.

d. Celsius

c. What is the measure of how cold or hot something is


What tool can be used to measure how hot or cold something is?

What is a thermometer


Joey sees this specimen on the playground and wonders if it is a rock or mineral. What is the most important thing for Joey to notice about this specimen to determine this?

a. The specimen has multiple colors

b. The specimen is rough/bumpy

c. The specimen is oddly shaped

d. The specimen feels heavy

a. What is the specimen has multiple colors


Which mineral has a hardness of 6, is glassy/pearly and pink?

a. Feldspar

b. Hornblende

c. Mica

d. Pyrite

a.  What is Feldspar


Question 2:

What tool can be used to determine the hardness of a mineral?

a. Ruler

b. Magnet

c. Mohs Hardness Scale

d. Thermometer

c. What is Mohs Hardness Scale


Which question would best determine a heat source on an object?

Is the object plugged in?

Is the object on a table?

Has the object been moved from one place to another?

Is the object a light color?

a. What is the object plugged in?


Which example creates heat through electricity?

a. A microwave

b. The sun's rays

c. Breaks on a bicycle

d. Burning coal

a. What is a microwave 


Helena noticed that the specimen she found on her nature hike seemed to be only one color all throughout. What question could she ask about what she found based on what she noticed?

a. Why is the specimen white?

b. Is this specimen very old?

c. Does this specimen feel heavy?

d. Is this specimen made of only one material?

d. What Is this specimen made of only one material?


Why is color not a good attribute for classifying a rock or mineral?

a. Many rocks and minerals can have the same color

b. Colors are hard to see without a magnifying glass

c. The color does not matter at all

d. Minerals and rocks do not have a specific color

 a. What is Many rocks and minerals can have the same color


Which of the following is a characteristic used to classify rocks?

a. Smell

b. Color

c. Taste

d. Sound

Answer: B) Color

 b. What is Color